Chapter One

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Chapter One


Melanie's P.O.V.

I woke up from my sleep, my bright blue eyes dilated. I had this sudden urge to go outside and skate. It was three o'clock in the morning, but I didn't care. It was my escape, and I needed  it now.

I slumped over and pulled off my green sheets. I combed my long, light brown hair with my fingers, put on my skating clothes and gear, and grabbed my board.

The top was just basic black, but the bottom was Aztec print with purple, pink, black, and white. I didn't care about the skate talk and junk, I only liked to ride. I taught myself.

I carefully stepped outside my door, trying not to make a sound. My parents were light sleepers, and if I moved a single bone in my body while I slept, they would surely hear it. Why, they wouldn't only hear it, they would check to make sure I was okay. So that's why when I walked out the front door, you wouldn't hear a pin drop.

I looked up at the sky. The moon and stars shined so brightly that the sky turned a slight blue. The night was almost... calling me. I could feel it. Then again, it was three in the morning, and I was hallucinating a little.

I walked on the sidewalk, enjoying the fresh, night California air, saving my skateboard for the park. It was a pretty fun place, and was good for beginners. But I was way past beginners, making my way from an ollie to a 360 pop shove-it in just two months of teaching myself.

As soon as I got to the park, I started skateboarding right away. I did a bunch of tricks on the rails and slopes, and I immediately felt energized.

Keaton's P.O.V.

It was three AM. I heard someone outside my window. "Who's making this much noise at three in the morning?" I grumbled, unaware of my sleepy voice. I decided to get up and see who the heck was making this much noise.

I rubbed my eyes, my vision blurred a little. It was a girl skating in the skate park next to my apartment. This girl was pretty good. She did cool tricks and stuff, and she laughed when she fell. Or was that crying? I couldn't tell. But I didn't care. I wanted a closer look.

I put on some clothes and walked out the apartment door, along with my skateboard. I wanted to make it look like I was going outside to skateboard, not to freaking stalk someone. I did feel a little stalker-ish.

I walked onto the ground of the park and made my way closer to the girl, and I started skating, and I slowed down to talk to her.

"Hey!" I shouted. She must not have noticed me, because while she was in mid- air, she looked at me with wide eyes that were in pure utter shock and fell onto the slope, sliding down from it.

I ran over to help, because she wasn't moving. "Are you alright?" I asked, grabbing her hand to pull her up off the ground. She began dusting herself off and putting her knee-pad back where it belonged.

"Yeah, I'm alright. Although I nearly broke my leg," she smiled. It was a great smile for someone who just fell onto concrete from twenty feet in the air. "what are you doing here at three in the morning?" she bit her lip at me as if she knew that the comment would come back to bite her in the butt.

"Oh, I don't know, doing the same thing that you're doing at three in the morning?" I sarcastically remarked. The girl laughed.

"I better get back to my house or my parents will find me and kill me." she said in a serious tone. She picked up her skateboard and walked with a little bit of limp back to her house.

"See you later," I looked at her with a grin, and I walked back home too. There was no use in staying here. I ran back to my apartment, realizing that I didn't catch her name. She looked like a Mia, from her long brown hair to her pure blue eyes.


I would figure it out tomorrow.



It took me forever to write this ONE chapter bc wattpad kept deleting parts of it for some unknown reasons and I had to start all over again at one point and it was REALLY obnoxious because my first draft was so perfectly written and ugh I just loved it and it was way longer than this then when it got deleted I literally started crying and idk. I got really mad. Sorry if this first chapter is suckish. if wattpad doesn't delete my other chapters, then they will definitely be better than this one


-love, Makenzie. sort of.

<Instagram: @makenze_ann>

original acc: @makenzie445

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