Chapter Two

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Chapter Two


Melanie's P.O.V.

As I slipped back into bed, I couldn't help but think about that boy I had met. I had no idea what his name was, where he was from, or anything like that. I wondered if the noise I was making had brought him there, or if he really was there for the same reason as me.

I rolled over towards my window. I was amazed by what I saw. The boy was doing amazing tricks on his skateboard. Somehow he wasn't making much noise, compared to my huge racket. Whoops.

I turned away, wanting to get some sleep. I had to get up in less than three hours for school, so skateboarding wasn't the best idea for earlier.

Keaton's P.O.V.

I had decided to stay a little longer after meeting that girl. She was on my mind for the rest of the night, well, technially morning. I was curious as to what her name was. I had never seen her before in my life, I knew that for a fact. I would have remembered someone with as much beauty as she had.

I checked my watch. It was four AM. Crap. I had lost track of time. I ran across the street and slipped back into my house, careful not to wake anyone. Wes moved around a little, so I decided to head back to bed.

"Where were you, Keaton?" said a deep voice behind me, startling me. I turned around to find a tired Drew behind me.

"I went out for a skate," I replied.

"It's like, four in the morning," he pointed out, "But then again, I do that sometimes."

I chuckled, heading back into my room. Not even bothering to change my clothes, I slid back into bed, the darkness quickly taking over.

Melanie's P.O.V.

I barely got any sleep last night. My legs still hurt from falling at the skate park last night. Well, earlier this morning. I turned to face my alarm and had enough strength to get up and open the curtain enough to see the sunrise upon the horizon.

I quickly slid on some jean shorts and a purple sweatshirt. My hair was only brushed, and I made my wavy bed head prettier. Although my legs nearly felt like they were breaking, I made the effort to pick up my skateboard and I grabbed a bagel from the counter before I slipped out the door. Of course, my parents were still sleeping.

Once I reached Venice High School, I sat down on the front bench to relax before I went in.

"Wow. I cannot believe you were skating when you nearly broke your legs last night." It was a familiar voice. softer, and a little bit deeper.

"Oh, um, ya. My legs still hurt a little." I turned around to find the boy laughing. He was the boy from the skate park who scared me half to death.

"My name is KeaTon. Not Keaton, KeaTon. The T isn't silent." I giggled as the wood on the bench digged into my skin and nearly gave me a splinter. I tipped my hat up a little bit and I was still smiling at him.

"Melanie. Most people call me Mel, but Melanie is more feminine. But feel free to call me whatever you'd like, KeaTon." He shook my hand and pulled me up from the bench. I noticed my leg was bleeding a bit from the wood in my skin.

"It's almost time for school. Who's homeroom are you in?" Keaton walked beside me every step of the way to he entrance of our school.

"Um, Mrs. Greene, I think? It's still early in the year, so I'm not sure." I said.

"Cool. I think I have her too. I heard she was mean, though. I always get the mean teachers." I smiled a crooked smile, and so did he.

We talked all the way to my locker, and then we separated. My skateboard was tucked carefully in my locker along with my books and backpack.

Mrs. Greene's homeroom was dark and dull. The shades were pulled down, and the head-splitting LED lights were shining over our heads in a disgusting way. The walls were painted a painful shade of blue, and the whole thing gave me a headache.

A crumpled up piece of notebook paper hit the top of my desk. I looked back to see who it came from, and I saw Ty smiling and mouthing "Open it."

I carefully unraveled the paper from the crumples and I blushed from what I saw.

'Meet me? At the frozen yogurt shop? 3:00 ;)

- Ty'

I turned back around and nodded.

"Of course I'll go with you, love." I mouthed.

"Ms. Brienhart?" I heard Mrs. Greene's harsh voice snap from behind me. I cringed at the sound.

"I advise that you quit yapping and start studying for your test for me today." it was cold and quiet in the room, and I was pretty sure everyone was staring at me. I turned my head slightly back and I found my boyfriend Ty looking at the old wrinkly woman in disgusted way.

Keaton tapped my left shoulder when Mrs. Greene wasn't looking. "She's mean, isn't she?" I nodded because I was afraid that she would hear me. I was glad that Keaton and Ty understood how I was feeling at the moment, because I just wanted to move on to first period.

When the bell finally rang, all of the kids ran out the door like they were in a marathon. Ty caught up to me and pecked on my cheek before he went the other direction to go to math class.

I clutched my pile of books and I moved on to P.E. I looked behind me, expecting Keaton to come up behind me. In fact, he was running up to my side and he practically scooted up closer to me than Ty ever did.

"Hey, Melanie. Going to P.E?" he asked. I tried to get some space between us, but he just kept moving right back where he was next to me. It probably wasn't his fault, there was a stampede of people trying to get to their classes.

"Yeah. I'm dreading it though, due to my near injury. My legs are hurting pretty bad, especially my right one." Keaton provided a warm smile for me, and I found myself blushing a little. Guilt took over, knowing that I already had a boyfriend, but Keaton and I were just friends. Nothing more, nothing less.

Keaton's POV:

She was so cute. Her glistening beach waves were pushed behind one ear, and her blue eyes were solid but a deep ocean of untold secrets. But she was lying on the gym floor in pain and the nurse stepped into the scene.

"Is she going to be okay?" I asked worriedly. Melanie finally sat up, holding back tears, but her ankle was in an uncomfortable position.

"She broke her ankle. We should get her to a hospital soon." the nurse said to nobody in particular. I watched as some staff loaded her onto an ambulance.

Melanie waved goodbye to me.


Sorry for the long update. We've been sooo busy! Is our story good? I hope so cuz we worked so hard on it.

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