Chapter 3 - A Ride of Death and Dread

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Shane wakes up in a car or what he thinks it is. His eyelids being too heavy closed without command but with demand. Shane feels his hands and with sudden realization he knew it was tied. He lost hope to live free and happy. Especially with zombies roaming around. He's fear immediately took care of his mind wishing this was just a dream or precisely a night!are.

What is the purpose of life anyway? It just continues on an unending chain of Live, Give a Life and Die but somehow people improve with every day that pass, but right now? On the midst of life, death and undead? Is there even a space for improvement? Will humans be even free from the Verge Of Extinction?

His train of thoughts were interrupted by a sudden screech and a huge halt. He opened his eyes revealing items that are falling and a huge herd of zombies were in front of them. There was a glint of silver underneath the chair the driver is on. He turned around, fell flat on his back and successfully grabbed the silver item and touched the tip. It was a sharp tip. Three seconds passed before he realized what it was. It was a knife!

Carefully and Silently he stood up and placed the knife on the space between the headrest and the driver's seat, The driver being preoccupied by the herd of flesh eating monsters hadn't noticed the shifting of Shane's hands forward and backward nor the tiny yelp when he cut his hands. He was staring at the herd. He was staring at death.

Shane's hands were free at last! He grabbed the sharp knife. It was a combat knife. It has a black handle and obviously it can pierce any rotting and walking corpse's skull. His eyes were so wide with amazement, fear and confusion.

Before he could open the door a forceful smash hit the door. He just realized the sudden and sad truth. He can't escape this nightmare and his just going to be danger to other survivors.

He sat on the comfy chair but it does little to comfort him.
Tears were flowing like rain in his eyes. His palms were sweating. Every zombies are on them. The windows crack and the once clear was now decorated with bloody hands and gnashing jaws. Every second felt like an hour. Every second felt like an eternity. Every second felt like death.

Just then static droned on the two people in the car. He looked outside and beside the Death And Dread he is seeing a flash of yellow and blue went along with two items that looks like a backpack. A bat handle and finally a woman's face.

"Hold on rescue is coming." The woman said while wearing a smirk.

This gave Shane a tinge of comfort and relief. But the feeling he felt ended quick as the windows broke one by one, each revealing a dozen or more hands or revealing several heads longing for the fresh meat they were starving for.

Shane stabbed a lot of the zombies to form a barricade around  the car but it was never enough. Then a scream filled the air, it was a scream for mercy. He looked around and saw the driver being torn to pieces, each piece the zombies took from him the weaker his scream for help was.

Shane couldn't do anything all he could do was cry and wait for death to give him his turn. Then he saw a gun from the dead driver's hand. He picked it up and aimed it at the right side of his head. Then suddenly there was a loud and deafening, BANG!


Next Chapter Trailer:

(Ella's POV)
"He couldn't have killed himself! Why?! Why did you did this Shane! I was coming. But you couldn't wait.

Ella unleashed her anger on the zombies putting her in danger for her recklessness.

(Stranger's POV)
"Should we help them?"

"I think we should."

Author's note

Updates could be one to three chapters per week. ( If I feel like it.)

No one might read this book but I'd still continue creating new chapters because I don't have much to do. So continue to be awesome guys!


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