Chapter 4 - Stranger's Danger

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Claws and jaws make their way to the remaining life in the car. Shane was trapped. He knows the outcome, Never-ending dread and uncertain death.

Seeing no choice he aimed the mangled driver's gun on the right side of his forehead and there was a sudden and loud, BANG!

Shane shot, himself knowing there would be no more escape, or did he?

(Ella's POV)

"I was going to rescue him! Why did he shot himself? If only we haven't entertained William. Then this might have had a different outcome" Ella thought.

Her arms, by rage, made way on the heads of the zombies. She bashed one then two then three. She was about to bash the fourth zombie's head when it turned around. The zombie tackled her. They were struggling on the ground. Ella wedged the bat between it's teeth and made it stop biting.

"Get the f**k away from me!" Ella shouted desperately hoping the zombie would listen but it didn't, it kept clenching the bat with its teeth like it was being sewn to d

Ella held on but she knew her arms would give up soon as more zombies piled on her. Luckily the bags she had blocked the jaws from ripping her sides.

Her arms bent and she knew it would end soon but she'll fight till the very end. She won't give up her meat that easy.

(Stranger's POV)

"Should we help them?" A small voice said.

"We shouldn't, You already shot one that would attract them to us. We're really close and that woman is on the other side of the car. I think we did enough." Someone said with a gruff voice and a tiny tinge of concern.

Whatever. The small voice said clearly angrier.

There was a shot followed by another. The zombies fell one by one on the ground lifeless. Suddenly a zombie grabbed her ankle and the girl fell.

She kicked the zombie on the jaw making it's jaw dislocate. Then another kick threw the jaw out of it's mouth. The zombie unknowing the attack kept reaching for her. She grabbed A rock and hit the zombie on the face repeatedly until on the seventh hit it broke due to huge impact. This only made the undead loosen it's grip on the girl and make a dent on it's head. Another kick on the chest finally made it let go.

The girl grabbed a heavy and slender branch and tripped it by hitting it's knee and ending it's second life by bringing the branch down its head powerfully and brain the color of Gray splat on the ground and on her clothes.

"Gross!" The girl shouted drawing more zombies to her.
"Oooh no." She said voice trembling a bit. "I won't be going down without a fight. She said while cracking her knuckles to exaggerate her statement even more.

She walked to the closest one which was a lady with blond hair but blood was adorning it. Her left arm is missing and her right arm is broken.

She quickly hit it twice with the wood making it dazed, then she quickly kicked it on the stomach making her and several zombies fall along with her. She quickly stabbed all of them in succession.

She did the same on another zombie but instead of it falling. Her foot was stuck in it's stomach, it's intestines flowing out quickly. She then stabbed it with the sharp part of the wood making it fall along with her foot. She immediately pried her foot away from the body.

The last one had only three fingers, two on the right and one on the left. The finger on its left arm was the middle finger which was ironically funny. She hit it upward on the chin. Then when the wood landed on the left side of it's forehead the branch broke.


So we're using bad words now. (Tee hee, Sorry kids, The Apocalypse messes up their brains)

Starting next chapter we'll be using the term sick and infected people. Because zombies and undead sounds comical. My special thanks for GG153_ for her support. Read her book a TWISTED FAIRYTALE (Comment for updates and whatever so she can continue the book! She needs inspiration)

God bless and take a look at this emoji! (\^w^/)
(May that Emoji cheer you up!)

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