"Day three without food or water and the task is seemingly impossible. I'm not sure how much longer we can last out here like this."
"Oh would you quit it with the voice over. We've barely started, we just had breakfast, and there's water Everywhere."
"This is my movie preview voice and it makes everything sound awesome, Blaster." I spoke in a matter of fact tone.
"Great. Wonderful. Now are you going to help me teach Prowl or not?"
"Then get off the floor and come up here."
I looked up from my spot on the floor. Both Blaster and Prowl were watching me. Prowl was looking rather confused and Blaster was looking at me like I was an idiot. I stood and began my climb.
"With one final push-"
"Stop. I swear I will slap you."
"It's fun. Ya should try it."
"No thank you. Ok so lets get started before Prowl decides that we aren't worth this."
"I was just having some fun before we got down to being serious."
"And Prowl might start thinking you're going crazy or dying because you keep changing your voice."
"Che. Prowl doesn't care."
"Really? To me it looked like he was looking at you like you were an idiot."
"How do ya know what he was thinking?" I challenged.
"If he didn't care he wouldn't have looked at you in the first place." Blaster answered without pause before going back to opening the little box we brought along.
We had brought along some flash cards, a notebook, a few pencils, and plenty of items that were common in the ocean. The page that had the alphabet on it was in a ziplock bag to protect it and folded to fit.
"Ok, Prowl. Lets get started." I announced with a grin.
Prowl looked at the items curiously. First up was showing him the notebook and how the pencil worked via demonstration. Next was showing him the page with the alphabet. Through this simple step Prowl just simply watched us as per usual. Then I pulled out the seashell and set it before him. He turned it over as if looking for something before giving a confused expression. Like he was asking me what he was possibly supposed to do with it. I took it back and set it next to the notebook where Blaster wrote out the word seashell slowly for Prowl to watch.
"Seashell." I smiled as I pointed to the word and then the shell.
And there was that look again. The one that plainly said that I was an idiot. I sighed dramatically before pointing out each individual letter on the protected sheet and the word on the notebook to show him where we got our little 'symbols' though he still didn't lose that look. This was going to be harder than we thought.
4444444444444444444 The Fours Are Gaining Followers!44444444444444444444
Day by day we worked on trying to get him to understand while his neighbors still struggled for his attention. The day that he was to be brought into the merger tank was rapidly approaching. We were still working on getting him to understand just One word. Just the fact that we had our own language and that this was how we got words. How we wrote them and blah blah blah. But no he was looking at me like I was the one who didn't understand.
"This isn't that hard. Ok maybe it kinda is. Languages are hard, but you'd think ya would have one word down by now." I sighed and Prowl hadn't bothered to move.
"Things like this take time."
"Yeah yeah yeah. I know. Ok lets take this from the top. Ya know what this is. This is a piece of coral, but this is how we spell it. C- O- R- A- L Coral." I spoke out loud as I wrote each letter down. "So- hey! Don't roll your eyes at me."
"No. He rolled his eyes at me. Ya didn't see it because he isn't facing ya."
"I don't think he rolled his eyes at you. And if he did we have no clue if it means the same thing where he comes from."
"Well he could have picked it up from being around us for so long. Hey hey hey! Where are ya going? We're not done here."
Prowl ignored me and slipped off the stand and into the water.
"Well. I think you offended him."
"Me? He's the one who rolled his eyes at me and has been looking at me like I don't have a brain since we started this. If anything I am the one who should be offended."
Our little argument was cut off when Prowl returned with a larger piece of coral. He settled back across Blasters lap and started scratching at it.
"What are ya doing now?"
All I got was a slight growl before he went back to scratching at it. When he was done he showed it to me. There were three little symbols scratched into it. He then pointed to the symbols and then to the coral before crossing his arms. One looked like a lowercase A with a circle in it. The next was two matching squiggles that looked like waves and the third looked like a two intersecting triangles. We both took a second.
"Oh... my..." Then Blaster burst out laughing.
"He thinks you're a moron."
"Oh shut up."
"No he thinks you're so uneducated that-"
"Shut up. I can see that."
Well in a way this was progress. Also this was solid proof if there was any that they did have a written language. If only we could get him to understand. So far all he was doing was acting like I was the one who wasn't getting it. Blaster was absolutely no help. All he was doing was laughing at me and when I made to smack him Prowl growled at me. Why couldn't things ever go my way? Also getting him to stop looking at me like I was an idiot would be great too.

I Have No Excuse
FanfictionHe hadn't heard a thing over the wind and music pounding out of his headphones, but the splash of color that didn't belong out of the corner of his eye caught his attention. He paused and squinted. Black and white with a few splashes of red. It didn...