I was dreading this. But if it got that freak off Prowls back then it would be worth it. It was just one party after all. I wouldn't have to spend really any time with my parents during said party anyway. They'd be out manipulating the public and making whatever they were doing seem like a good cause to sucker people out of their money in a donation that they believed would help the world or whatever it was and not just line my parents pockets. Last party I went to it was something to do with helping to reconstruct a hospital. However five percent went to the hospital, fifty percent to whatever their little side projects were, and the remaining forty five went to line their own pockets and yet no one seemed to pick up on this no matter how long it went on. They could really seem friendly when they wanted to be. Everyone seemed to think that they were the most generous and selfless people they had ever met. It made me want to slap them and ask them how they were all missing this.
The door opened before I even knocked, breaking my bitter train of thought. I was herded in and I only half listened to the whining and lecturing. Whoever is going to style your hair blah, you could have arrived sooner blah, do not talk about your job or personal life blah, and then there was something about posture and what language I could use. I was sure I arrived on time. I thought my speech was fine as I was trained along with Nat after years of being reprimanded on our speech and very accent when talking to our own parents. By the time everything was set and we were heading out in a awkwardly quiet limo I was painfully reminded why I hated this.
This was too perfect and fake. The air in the limo was as hostile and cold as I remembered it to be. Nat and I were sitting in a far corner in the back together. As far from our parents as possible and I was hit with bitter nostalgia of what Nat and I used to be. Though instead of being glued at the hip in the same corner we were at opposite windows looking out at the passing scenery. At least she still prefered my company over our parents. That was at least something even if we would never be what we used to be. We didn't even try to start up a conversation. The presence of our parents was just another barrier that we didn't dare cross.
I was about ready to jump out halfway there just to escape the tense air. When we finally pulled to a stop in front of what my sister and I had called mom and dad's hall of torture I held my breath in anticipation. I desperately wanted out, but I had to wait. Wait for the driver to get out and open the door for us like we were royalty. He was taking far too long and I wanted to scream. However the relief of being out was easily overtaken by my intense desire to be anywhere but here once we were within the building. The building that our parents had specifically constructed long ago for them to show off art, items, decor, and host parties in. It was a gathering place for the rich families to swindle each other and come up with ideas to rip off the public together.
Nat was off socializing with her stuck up friends from other stuck up families while mom and dad went searching for new prey no doubt. I found myself a secluded corner to pull myself back together in while everyone tried to impress each other. The music was classical and boring. I swore the guys playing it were bored. It had felt like a wonderful lifetime since the last time I had been to this hell. The forced smiles and cheery tone was killing me. These people... They were all so cold and arrogant. Narcissistic and just plain out boring. Everything was boring. Everything was the same. Everyone was the same. All clones. All carbon copies. I couldn't tell the difference between most of them. Same hairstyle. Same clothes. Everything looked the same, felt the same. Besides a few minor differences there was nothing here that actually drew any attention.
All of the parties were the same. The one for the construction of the bridge had been the same as the one for the private school and so on. Blaster was going to be stuck with me complaining his ear off when I got home. I mean word was I was helping one of their business partners overseas. It was going to take a while with all of the lies and rumors that were going around about me. Carl for some reason thought I was sick and dying. Brandon thought my parents disowned me for something and I had come crawling back. Garik was asking if I had gotten arrested. Mike wanted to know if I was really doing something overseas though I had just told him it was sensitive information and I couldn't talk about it.

I Have No Excuse
FanfictionHe hadn't heard a thing over the wind and music pounding out of his headphones, but the splash of color that didn't belong out of the corner of his eye caught his attention. He paused and squinted. Black and white with a few splashes of red. It didn...