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song used: PYD by Justin Bieber featuring R. Kelly

i'mma put you down
i'mma put you down, all the way down

Ariana smiled, adoring how Justin was so focused with his graffiti that he didn't even notice her enter the room. She looked around at the skate rink with the graffitied walls that Lil Wayne owned. It was a creative environment, and she loved anywhere that was creative.

"Hey Ariana! I didn't see you come in!"

She diverted her attention back to her boyfriend, who was coming up towards her. He cupped her cheeks and pecked her lips, making her giggle. "It's alright."

She walked up to the wall and admired the art he was just working on. It was his initials in blue spray, illuminated with red in the back. "How'd you do this?"

Justin shrugged. "It just comes naturally."

Ariana smiled at him, wrapping an arm around his neck. "You're so talented, you know that?"

Justin shook his head, and kissed her forehead. Whispering in her ear, he handed her a spray can. "Want to know how to do graffiti?"

The brunette's eyes widened, trying to give back the can while violently shaking her head. "No, Justin! I can't!"

"Yes you can. Now, all you have to do first is shake the can, to get the paint ready." He jogged away to the other wall, grabbing another color spray can. He turned around and noticed Ariana, shaking the can with her right hand. His breath hitched once he saw her bite her lip.

From the corner of her eyes, Ariana saw Justin staring at her from across the room. She giggled lowly, biting her lip. She noticed his breathing became irregular, and she tried to hold in her laughter. Teasing him even more, she let out little moans, pretending to be frustrated with the spray can, shaking it even more violently.

Suddenly, she felt arms wrapped around her waist and a hit breath trickling down her neck. "Babe, if you're going to do that, don't do it to the can."

Ariana felt herself get wet immediately, but she tried to control herself. Smirking, she took his hands off of her waist and gently pushed him back onto the wall. The shorter girl stood on her tip toes, nibbling on the taller boy's ear while fumbling with his belt buckle. Justin tried to control the moan that was itching at his throat.

"Let it out, baby," Ariana whispered. He didn't know what she referred to, as she slipped jeans off, relieving his Jerry of its pain, and releasing his moans once he felt tiny hands grip him from his boxers.

Doing the same motion that she did with the spray cans, Ariana expertly shook her hand up and down while kissing his neck.

Justin's hands gripped onto her waist; his groans echoing the empty room. His head swooped down to Ariana's ear and whispered, "I'm going to put you down tonight, babe."

from the door to the wall
coffee table, girl, get ready
i'mma put you down, all the way down
from the stove to the counter to
dining room table, are you ready?
i'mma put you down

Justin frowned as he stared at his burnt cupcakes. Picking one up, he examined it and saw that from top to bottom, it was covered in an ashy blackness. He heard laughing and he looked up, his eyes meeting the beautiful, laughing face of his girlfriend, standing at the kitchen doorway.

"What are you doing?" She walked over next to him, picking up another cupcake from the plate.

He sheepishly shrugged. "I made..cupcakes? I think?"

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