swap it out

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Swap It Out
song used: Swap It Out by Justin Bieber

open up to me, it's all you gotta do
give me all your heart, swap mine out with you
swap it out with you, swap it out with you
come into my world, i'll give my world to you
we can swap, swap, swap it out

Ariana walked out of the Good Morning America studio, tears welling up in her eyes as she hurried towards her car. She couldn't keep it in longer as her tears escaped her eyes once the car began moving.

Wiping her face with her arm, she stared out the window and sighed. She looked up at the clouds and closed her eyes.

"I miss you, Grandpa," she whispered.

In LAX, she told her chauffeur to drive her straight to the studio, wanting to get her mind off of things through her one and only favorite way. Ariana took out her phone as the car sped away from the airport, texting her mom.

ariana: i'm in LA, don't worry too much. just need to get away for a little bit. i love you and nonna so much

The car came to a halt and Ariana stepped out of the car, thanking her chauffeur. Quickly walking into the building, she managed to avoid the paparazzi this time.

Waving and thanking the kind office clerk for her well wishes about her grandpa, she made it to the studio room with a dry face.

Once the door closed behind her, she slid down, bringing her knees up against her chest. After a whole day of trying to be strong in front of the world, she was at her peak. She couldn't take it anymore as she broke down, clutching onto her phone that was turned on, the background of her grandpa.

A good ten minutes went by, she had finally let go and released everything, even though it still hurt. She lifted her head up from her knees and finally noticed the huge bouquet of light purple roses settled into a vase on the coffee table the room had in front of the couch.

Curious, she crawled over to the wooden furniture. Sitting up, she got a full view of the flowers and other gifts. Along with the bouquet, laid on top of the table was a collage of pictures. It had most, if not all, of the pictures and selfies her grandpa and her had taken throughout the years.

A small smile grew on her face as she looked through the giant piece of cardboard paper with pictures of herself and one of her most favorite and loved person glued onto it. She bit her lip as she stared at the picture that was smack in the middle.

It was a picture of Nonna and Grandpa, arms wrapped around a tall guy with dirty blond hair. He was wearing a familiar blue shirt and a gold chain around his neck that dropped down to his stomach. On the table was also a purple stuffed elephant; as she ran her fingers across the fur and smiled. It reminded her of Mr. Long Neck from Victorious/Sam & Cat.

Ariana stood up, her face fresh with tears, but a wide smile on her face as she read the note on a notecard she took from the bouquet, stuck between two of the purple roses.

Dear Ariana,
I heard about what had happened with your grandpa, and I don't know what to say, but I do know how much he meant to you. I'm so sorry for your loss, and I can't and I will never be able to even comprehend how much you're hurting right now. I just wanted you to know that you're a strong, beautiful woman, and that things will get better, and everything's going to be alright ;)
It will still hurt, it can still hurt next week, next month, maybe even next year. But I promise you, you have people who will do anything to help you through this and one day, your pain will subside. Your family and fans love you, and so do I. We all want you happy. If there was a way, to make you happy, I would swap it out with you.
Love, Justin Bieber

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