change me

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Change Me
song used: Change Me by Justin Bieber

girl, i'm ready, if you're ready, now
as i'm ever gonna be
if you're with it, then i'm with it, now
to accept all the responsibility
i'd go outta my way
to live by the words that you say
i don't wanna be the same

Justin placed his beer bottle down on the table in his living room. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, the excess liquor transferred from his mouth to the skin on his hand. He stared at his phone, which was open to his messages with Scooter.

scooter: meeting at the studio today. sorry for the last minute notice. it's important

Why did Scooter want me? I told him I wanted to take a break from writing and recording for a couple days, he thought to himself.

The previous Music Mondays were already up in iTunes, but they still needed two more songs, week 9 and 10. Justin thought that since this is just the 6th week, he could take a rest for a bit. Guess not.

He sighed and grabbed a joint that was balancing on the end of the table and brought it to his lips while replying back to Scooter.

justin: give me 30 min

He took the joint away from his mouth, breathing out the smoke. He inhaled the smell, it filled his lungs as guilt filled him. He ignored the nagging feeling in his gut whenever he did it.

Throwing the joint away, he walked to the restroom. He splashed water on his face before dropping some eye drop in his eye to get his eyes less red, less noticeable. After he decided that he looked okay, he pulled himself inside a muscle tee and raced to his car.

"Hey Duke," he greeted the security guard at the door of the studio. He, as always, kept a straight face and nodded in reply.

Justin opened the door to his recording room and saw Scooter at the music panel, shuffling through papers.

"Bieber is here."

Scooter turned around and smiled. "Hi! Sit down. My guest should be here soon."

Justin raised an eyebrow as he sat down on the couch, his arms resting on the pillows. "Guest?"

"Yeah, she didn't know either. I told her that the meeting was important though, so that's why she came."


"She." Scooter pulled up a chair in front of the coffee table in front of the couch, and set his papers on the table.

"Look, Scooter, I know that I'm looking bad in the media right now, but I don't want to date a girl to try to change me, alright?"

The older man chuckled. "That's what she said when I told her that she had a guy guest too."

"So this isn't like, you hooking us up or something?"

"Nope, of course not."

"Where is this girl anyways?" Justin asked, while replying to Alfredo's text. He cringed, which was unnoticed by Scooter, as he typed.

alfredo: you're getting better right? not doing it that much?
justin: yep getting better. i don't do it as much as before

"She's in the restroom. I think I should check on her though. She's been in there for almost half an hour," Scooter said while looking at the door. He stood up and opened it, stepping outside. "Be right back."

"Okay," Justin mumbled, titling his head backward and closing his eyes.

After a couple of minutes, he heard the door open and close, and footsteps walk in the room. He figured it was Scooter, so he kept his eyes shut. "Had fun in the girl's restroom Scoot?"

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