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If love should grow up, we'd grow out of it -
though wisdom and a back-step calms the nerve,
reasons, pounding the sidewalk far from it,
career, fortune, dignity preserve.

We'd ask ourselves and lose ourselves replying:
'Well, isn't this just dandy now, my dear,
 we can sit so, sipping an odd day's ending;
in quiet; and there's nothing here to fear.'

"Only that tear, sliding a helter-skelter;
except those shimmers on the waters, dear;
but for that swimmer in the moonlit delta
and a high-tide bearing us so far from here."

Heart-pounding, wake in the grey of morning:
nothing more than day is ever dawning.


I'm using single speech marks for one aspect of the persona and double speech marks for the other - with prose rules, meaning quotes just on beginning and ending, not repeated each line of poetry.

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