boy who was swallowed by the sky

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Ficlet 1: Tom Misch - Man Like You (Patrick Watson Cover);

[ I knew a boy who was swallowed by the sky

By the flashing lights

I knew a man who got lost in the big dark blue

And came out alive

I knew a boy I knew a man that looked a lot like you ]

Singto hums gently to the music and let the calm tune of the guitar riffs and the soft stroke of the violin fills him in while he continues with his editing. He took a sip of his now lukewarm coffee, head bobbed gently, lips mouthing the lyrics as he sang under his breath.

This is him most of the time, alone in his favorite cafe.

He can be found working at this decent 'chic and modern' cafe conveniently called 'THE MODERN CAFE'  for hours end, just a short drive of 20 minutes from his apartment complex. Truthfully he patrons the cafe mainly for the internet speed and because it is co-owned by a friend of his. It also helps that his firm has this so called 'flexi-hours' and 'working from home' policy.

Singto was deeply engrossed in his work, sitting cross legged by the knee at a four seater with this beautiful rustic round coffee table, that has friends called it as his 'office space', at the far end corner of the cafe. He was enjoying the very much needed peace and quiet to the sound of his favorite artist  when suddenly he was pounced by none other than Krist Perawat.

There goes his alone time, for sure.

Krist initially came to the cafe for a package. His sister had ordered some artisan coffee grounds, she said and asked him to pick it up from the store and will come for it when she drop by the weekend at their parents house. That was 3 weeks ago, actually.

He shudders when he's reminded how his sister has threatened to cut him off and to forgo his request for that beautiful all black Adidas NMD that he desperately wants for his birthday. His sister can be savage when she wants to but he can't believe all that over some coffee grounds.

P'kard, the owner of the cafe laughed and clapped him at the back, "- its not a problem. I told your sis that i can have it hand delivered to her place but she insisted that you can pick it up-'' and that gets Krist attention.

He never even offer himself and if only she didn't threatened him for - but he knows why his sister did that, there's always been a reason why he spend most of his time at this cafe anyway and -

"He's at his 'office corner', if you want to know." P'Kern suddenly spoke behind the counter, interrupting his running thoughts. "-been there since we open this morning" he added.

P'Kern then pointed out to a lone figure, hunched over his laptop and in his signature all black outfit. Singto looks unmoved and unperturbed with his surrounding, his lips thinned and eyes fixed on the screen with one earphone on but Krist, is nothing but stubborn and relentless when it comes to Singto.

His lips curls upwards into a briefest of a smile, eyes colors in mischief as he made his way towards Singto before sitting unannounced and drops bodily into Singto.

Singto was just about to export his video when suddenly he find himself full of this obnoxious human being. Krist simply turns up out of nowhere, crowds him against the back cushion of the seat and is pressing against his side with arms tight around Singto shoulder. 

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