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Well hello again folks!

How you guys doing?


Happy belated Valentine's day and also happy Chinese New Year to those that are celebrating the festival. 

Anyways, i decided to make a note here since i'm feeling rather regretful for being MIA for so long due to work but mostly i have had a fallen out with this fandom and also having lack of motivation to write and inspiration. 

but fret not that i will be continuing with all the series that still WIPs eventually. 

Thank you so much for still reading my lame writings and leaving nice messages on the chapters. i would also want to apologize if  hadnt been active or replying since i hadnt exactly received the notification but i promise that i will get to y'all ASAP.

Ps. I do have a twitter account @paleorked. where i am more active at, or rather lurking during lunch time and toilet breaks trying to keep my sanity intact. be forewarned that i mostly be retweeting random/kpop stuff. please feel free to bug me there.  i pretty much sure be needing the company. 

tata for now

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