~ Chapter Sixty-Four: Change of Plans ~

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Waking up felt like falling into a tank of ice cold water and then being dunked out of it again. The light poured into my eyes like the sun intentionally shone its rays that way and I gasped. Jack-knifing into a sitting position, my limbs were flailing around as though I was still falling. I tried to scream, but there came no sound.

Jae, Jae...

"Jae!" someone called and my movements stilled. I was caught in something warm and secure, and it took me another sharp breath of air to realize that I was being embraced by someone, which just startled me all over again.

"Shh, shh, it's okay, calm down, Jae, you're alright, calm down, you're safe," the soothing voice hushed, holding onto me tightly while gently rocking back and forth, rubbing my back to comfort me. My muscles were still tense as I tried to inspect my surroundings, feeling utterly disoriented. I inhaled the gentle scent of magnolias and relaxed.

I pulled gently away. "Luhan?"

I was met by a small smile as Luhan brushed the hair from my face and stroked it soothingly. "Hey," he greeted quietly and an immense relief washed over me as I allowed myself to lean back into his embrace again. I heard him chuckle, his chest vibrating warmly as he tightened the hug. For now, I didn't mind. I was just happy to be back. There was no sign of the white wolf or the empty world I was in before. I held up my hands behind Luhan's back so I could check on them and saw that they were perfectly clean. It appeared as though I was back in my uniform as well.

"You gave us a bit of a scare back there," Luhan said, his voice still gentle and quiet, as if he was afraid that I'd be startled if he spoke in a louder volume.

"Where am I?" I asked, pulling away from him, touching my hair to see that it was perfectly brown.

"At school. The nurse's office," he explained, giving me some space as I sat up more properly on the bed.

"What happened?" I then asked, trying to get used to my surroundings again. Luhan chuckled, shaking his head.

"We were hoping you could tell us," he stated.


He frowned and moved closer towards me, suddenly placing his hand on my forehead. "What's your name?" he then asked, and I gave him a look of skepticism. "Oblige me," he urged and I sighed.

"Miyano Jae-In," I retorted dryly, pushing his hand away. "I'm fine, I was just wondering what you meant with 'us' since there's only you here," I elaborated and found it in me to smile at the goofy look on Luhan's face as he realized that he was overreacting.

"Ah, right, sorry," he apologized, scratching his cheek. "I meant the others," he quickly explained. "The pack," he whispered. "We came as soon as we heard. Lay tried to-, you know -, but there were too many people around, so we just had to wait until you'd wake up by yourself."

I nodded in understanding and removed the blankets, attempting to get up. Luhan stopped me before I could swing my legs over the side of the bed.

"You should take things slow, Jae. You were out for a good hour," he said, pushing me back.

"I was? Feels longer," I murmured, rubbing my neck, thankful again that my hands were clean and that there was no trace of blood anywhere. I shivered. Luhan looked at me, cupping my face so I would look at him.

"Jae, what-,"

"Jae-yah! Oh my goodness, you're alright!" a sudden squeal sounded and in came Lili with two cups in her hands, running towards the bed. To my surprise, she simply shoved the cups into Luhan's hands as he made way for her and attacked me with a hug so fierce I was flung back into the bed.

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