~ Chapter Ninety-Two: Call Me, Baby ~

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I'm fine. You should know that. I promise you: I am fine.

I can't fully explain because nothing will make any sense, and even if I did tell you the truth you wouldn't believe it, right? It's okay though, I understand. You don't have to worry about anything. I have to leave for a while, but I promise I'll be back soon. Don't worry, okay? I know it's hard, but don't worry.

I love you so very much. See you soon.

Trembling hands took hold of the little note, taking care of it as though it was made of gold. Yoona sat anxiously on the couch in the quiet living room, a sniffing softly as she reread the note again. She never thought that her daughter would go so far to run away from home. She thought everything had been solved, but how could she not have picked up the signals?

I'm a bad mother, Yoona thought, thinking to all the things Jae had told her about that stupid dagger. Now her only daughter ran away without so much as a hint in the note telling them where she could be.

Of course she wouldn't tell you where she was, Yoona! What point would there have been for her running away then?! She thought angrily to herself. Jae was a smart girl, after all. Unfortunately, she was very smart...though it baffled Yoona as to why she would do something so stupid like running away.

She looked outside for a moment, the grip tightening around the note. With the recent wild and unpredictable weather, who knows how far Jae would have gone. And where would she find food and shelter? This island is small, sure, but the woods were filled with wild animals, wolves especially. Wolves... even though she had never seen one before, she knew that Jae had seen one the first day they had arrived. She gasped in fear as she remembered Ryo telling her that he had an unfortunate encounter with a bunch of wild wolves the other night. He hadn't spoken to her in detail about it, but she was already thankful that he came out unscathed. But Jae was Jae, her little girl. She didn't stand a chance against a bunch of wolves!

No, think positively, Yoona. She's probably in town somewhere...

Yoona looked at the note in her hand once more. See you soon...what teenage runaway would write her parents a note saying that she'll see them soon? It didn't add up. Was she that convinced that the dagger was evil? No, not the dagger, Mr. Yok, apparently... Yoona felt her heart thump as she actually, for the first time, allowed herself to think about the possibility that Jae really was telling her the truth. Why else would she write a note that stated that she would come back? Teenagers who ran away would never write something like that. Heck, their poor parents would be lucky enough if they decided to leave them a note at all.

Thinking back to what happened this afternoon, Yoona, in her fury and emotion, had thought that Miss Kumiho had blatantly attacked her daughter because Jae had apparently stolen the dagger from E.T. Corp. She thought that this was Miss Kumiho's way to take justice in her own hands, but what if- just what if it was because she was in league with Mr. Yok, that she was after Jae because she knew too much?

Oh don't be ridiculous, Yoona, this isn't some kind of action movie! she scolded herself. She paused, recalling the conversation she had with Jae, a few hours ago.

That dagger belongs to him, she had told her, and Jae, she looked so determined when she shook her head in protest. But it doesn't! He stole this dagger in the first place!

Yoona put her hand in front of her mouth in genuine fear and disbelief. What if her daughter did know something? What if she ran away because she was in danger somehow?

Yoona yelped in alarm when the front door opened and her husband came bursting through, running into the living room when he heard her scream.

"What is it? What happened?!" he exclaimed, looking around to see if he had to start throwing punches. Yoona exhaled in relief, her hand on her chest.

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