Sisters of the pack (dedicated to @jmangelovearth4)

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You think you howl alone,

walking solitary in the night,

you may think you're completely prone,

and the dark may give you a fright,

but close by I wander,

watching over you,

your younger sister,

friend through and through.

You are fire,

and I am ice,

you walk the wire,

while I knock thrice,

and though we're not the same,

though we're total opposite,

any excuse is lame,

for us to remain separate.

Sisters are we,

both mighty and strong,

beautiful we be,

and both sometimes wrong,

but together we become,

more than we are alone,

combined we puzzle some,

but we're no longer prone,

'cause we watch together,

and we search the stars,

we help each other,

search for what's ours,

all through the night,

you're always there,

bringing me back to light,

with that sisterly stare,

and when things get dark,

or things look black,

We unite as a lark,

and howl as sisters of the pack.

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