Who I am

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My culture and my heritage

Affect my speech and tradition

My language is unique,

I learn new expressions each day

Words that trouble my friends

and phrases that only well versed understand.

The land around me is precious

the land is a gift for our use,

and it is ours to take care of.

The land can be improved,

as we return what we take.

My environment changes my strength,

inspires who I am and how I act,

and changes how I see the world.

My religion helps me choose wisely,

in how I act, how I play.

My religion inspires health,

and keeps me strong in difficult times.

Media affects my views,

my feelings towards news.

Media brings new ideas,

Gives me things to try,

Teaches me the voices of the world.

My gender brings difficulty to the mix;

expectations are tradition,

knowledge is a must,

but too many now lack,

and I feel I'm one of few that knows what to do.

Ideology of times,

I vote and have rights like anyone else,

I have equality in jobs,

in work, in play.

I have the freedom,

of individuality.

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