5.The Rejection

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I'm a hopeless romantic with a dirty mind!

  "Did she really say yes" Harry asks for the millionth time today.

"No she didn't I made you drive all the way out here just to tell you she said no" I say sarcastically. Harry gives me a side ways glare. I laugh looking out the window seeing the Westin a block away. Goosebumps rising on my skin.

Harry parks in front of the entrance and we step out overwhelmed by the glorious building. I look up at the sky seeing that it will probably end up raining. Harry quickly grabs me and pulls me into the hotel.

As we walk into the hotel two men walk towards us making both Harry and I stop. "Are you Zayn Malik and Harry Styles" One of them ask in a deep growl. I step back a little intimidated by them.

"Yes. Do we know you?" Harry speaks up. I turn my head slightly to see Gigi walking out of the elevator her hands delicately fixing her hair and in that moment it felt unreal. I watch her every move as she walked over to where we were standing. The two intimidating men immediately step away from us.

"Hello Mr.Malik...... and you must be Harry Styles." I glance at Harry who has his mouth slightly open. I nudge him in the ribs before quickly going over to help Perrie seeing as she was struggling with her equipment.

"Thank you Zayn." She kisses my cheek and I give her a slight smile. Perrie and I dated briefly but I broke it off telling her I wasn't romantically interested  in her but she continues with small romantic gestures. She follows me over to Gigi and Liam.

"Perrie this is Gigi Hadid....Gigi this is Perrie." I quickly introduce them to each other. Perrie holds her hand out. Gigi stares at it for a brief second before giving her a firm handshake.

"It's a pleasure to meet you." Gigi says with a tight smile. She then turns and leads us to and empty ball room where I assume where we are taking the photos.

I step to the side as Harry and Perrie go to set all the camera stuff. I shift awkwardly not knowing what to do sense I'm not really any help. I see Gigi staring at me from across the room with a slight smirk.

"We're ready"I hear Perrie say as I watch Gigi walk over to Perrie. I watch as Gigi gets her pictures taken obviously used to the camera in her face. She hasn't smile though. Harry walks over to me. "It would be nice if she would smile."

I look over at Gigi who was already staring at me. I run my teeth over my bottom lip as her eyes meet mine. A slight smile spreads across her face and Perrie snaps the picture. "Did she just smile?" Liam asked and I look down with a slight blush.

Did I make her smile? Well obviously what else could she have been smiling at! "Okay I think I got them" Perrie says as Liam walks over to review the pictures.

"We should get lunch" Gigi's voice startles me.


"I said...We should get lunch..I want to know more about you" She lifts her hand her fingers brushing against my neck as i slightly close my eyes without thinking. I hear someone clear their throat and I snap out of my daze. I quickly excuse myself as I walk over to Liam.

"We're all done here so do you want to come with us to print out the pictures." Liam asks. I rub the back of my neck awkwardly. "Actually I'm going to lunc-"

"With who?" Perrie interrupts mid sentence. I turn slightly to look at Gigi who seems to be arguing with her bodyguards.

"Are you sure thats a good idea"Harry and Perrie both giving me worried looks.

"Guys I'm an adult I can take care of myself" I say before walking back over to Gigi.

"You're not one to smile are you?" I ask. She chuckles running her fingers through her hair. "I smile sometimes" She says defensively "On certain occasions." I nod biting my lip.

"You shouldn't do that" She says.

"Do what?"

Her fingers trail down my cheek then to my lip slowly she moves my bottom lip from my teeth. "That" I almost bite my lip again but I stop myself. "Shall we" I nodded she held her hand out to mine. I placed my hand in hers and she lead me to the door.

  We enter a small cafe. "Tell me about your family"? Gigi says as we sit down at a table. My family? Why does she want to know? Because she interested idiot.

"Um..my mother is on husband number 3 or 4...I'm not really sure. My birth father died when I was really young so I don't really know anything about him." I slowly trace the outline of the table with my finger.

"Tell me something about you." I say shyly.

"Like what?" Her eyebrows raise. She looks adorable when she does that.

"Like....What do you do for fun?"

"Um...I play pool" She says placing a croissant in front of me. "Eat" I look down and shake my head no. Her jaw tenses but she quickly relaxes furrowing her eyebrows and shaking her head. "What are you majoring in?"

"English Literature"

"Who inspires you the most?" She asks seemingly very interested. "Ernest Hemingway" I answer easily. She smiles. She is absolutely stunning.

"Your very romantic then yes?" She asks tilting her head slightly.

"I kind of have to be if I want to pass English Lit" I say with a small chuckle.

"I myself am a hopeless romantic and some other things."She says the last part quietly so I didn't really hear what she said.

She looks down at her coffee for a while leaving me to shift in my seat. She looks back up at me her eyes darker than before.

"This is a bad idea..We should go." Go? But I don't want to go. We both stand she offers her hand but I decline quickly walking past her. Before I could think properly I'm asking a way out of line question.

"Is it because you have a boyfriend?" I look at her and she raises her eyebrows looking like she is about to laugh. Why is she about to laugh this isn't funny?

"I don't do boyfriends Mr.Malik." I roll my eyes not paying attention to where I'm going stepping forward. "Zayn" She roughly grabs me from the busy street as a car zooms by. My breath hitches as I register what just happened. My heart is pounding as I look into Gigi's eyes. I slowly lean in as she looks down and steps back.

"You should steer clear of me Mr. Malik."

I nod "Goodbye Ms.Hadid." I turn away and walk back to the hotel. Wondering why I even agreed to go to lunch with her.


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