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Mina wiped her slightly damp palms over the knees on her black jeans. Ever since she was a young girl her hands would sweat when nervous, and she was certainly nervous.
This meeting could go many ways, and the more time Mina had to sit and think about it the more her mind ran away with crazy situations.
Never in her life had she expected to end up meeting the stranger who had accidentally texted her one night at random, let alone be sharing a house with his ex-girlfriend.
Mina looked up at Eva, who was in the kitchen cooking, or attempting to at least, with her best friend Rosa. Eva was undoubtedly beautiful, with her wide doe like eyes and long auburn locks, and Mina had wanted to hate her, she wanted to resent Eva for the simple reason that Eva was at the time dating the boy she liked.
However it was merely impossible, Eva was far too sweet, it was as if she didn't have a mean bone in her body. Which was why Mina often wondered why exactly did Eva cheat on her boyfriend.
It wasn't as if Jonas was a monster, every couple has issues but like Eva had told her it was an insecurity of her own, she believed Jonas was cheating and her subconscious told her to get one up on him. Albeit she knew it was a mistake, however it did not make it right.
The more time Mina thought about the scandalous affair, the more she felt bad about keeping the information to herself, she was never going to tell Jonas the details, as it wasn't her secret to spill however she could have urged Eva to tell him instead of by standing and watching their relationship burn.
Mina liked that they were over deep down inside her gut and felt utterly dreadful when she realised why she had done it.

Mina Rogue definitely maybe had feelings for a certain bushy browed brunette.

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