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This was before I got sloppy at pre drinks #lightweight #gonnasticktowater


EvaMohn2: bear hug

MinxyMina: I love you even though you are a drunken mess after two shots

ChrisSchistad: FuckRosa you better get back to my house and clean up the sick on my carpet

FuckRosa: new phone who dis ? ChrisSchistad

Mina had woke up with a hangover from hell. Her eyes burned as Sana turned on the light.
"Turn it off!" Noora shouted throwing a pillow in her direction. They were all crammed into Eva's king bed and it was safe to say they were rough.
Mina could feel her heartbeat in her head, she was ready to vomit, "I am in desperate need of a fry up."
She slowly sat up rubbing her eyes to be greeted by Rosalie sat fully clothed at the end of the bed.

"How on earth are you up at this time?" She grunted rolling back over. Rosalie was the worst last night, she had drank way more than her petite body could handle which confused Mina. Rosa had never been one to suffer hangovers, she claims it's because of her 'special smoothie' she drinks before bed after a party however Mina never dared to try it. The smell nearly killed her each time she was near it.

"Get up buttercup!" Eva sang, shaking Mina, who had fell back asleep. She opened one eye and looked around the room. She was the only one left in bed, "Everyone is ready to go out for your last day here we're all waiting for you sleepy head."

"What time is it?" She groaned as Eva pulled the blanket off her tired body, "No! I'm cold now!"

Eva pulled Mina by her wrists, "Get up lazy! It's 2 in the afternoon and everyone's waiting." Mina tossed and turned for a moment before sitting up, "Hurry up!" Eva smiled before walking out of the bedroom.

Mina had pulled herself round and was currently sat in the back of Williams car driving to wherever she was being taken. She was still half asleep and looked like hell. Her hair was unbrushed and pulled into a messy space buns and she was wearing her favourite jumper. Choosing comfort over style.

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