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Mina sat crossed legged at the foot of Jonas's bed, it felt surreal to be back. This time so much had changed but she felt like nothing was different at all.

The jacket he had lent her at Christopher's party was draped over the back of his chair and she smiled softly when her eyes had first fell upon it, so many things as she looked around began a whir of memories in her head. The jacket, the bracelet she wore the first time they met and now the bed where they first kissed.

Slowly she touched her fingertips against her soft lips, still feeling the tingle from where his had once been. The sound of running water from the bathroom snapped her from her daydream, and she sighed gently. Never in her life had Mina imagined she would be flying to visit a boy she was so, well, in love with.

Unlocking her phone, she concentrated on her home screen, a picture of all of them in the airport and smiled. Not only was she lucky enough to find a boy she loved, but a group of friends she'd give the world for.

Her thumb jabbed at her snapchat, checking to see if anyone had made plans.

Mina tugged the covers from her legs and made her way across the room to where her case was, reaching in she settled on a pair of flared jeans

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Mina tugged the covers from her legs and made her way across the room to where her case was, reaching in she settled on a pair of flared jeans.

The bathroom door swung open behind her, spinning on her heel she was greeted by the tall brunette, "Hey," she breathed, smiling widely at him, "They're all on their way, we should get ready."

Jonas nodded in response, pulling on a hoodie, "Where we going?" He asked, wrapping his arms around Mina as they waited for their friends to turn up.

"No idea, Rosalie just said they were ten mins away," She shrugged leaning into him, Mina felt at ease when she was around him and she had never felt so at home despite the fact she was hundreds of miles away.

Minxymina"10 mins away" yet 25 mins later

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"10 mins away" yet 25 mins later ...

fuckrosa: shut up I wasn't the one driving like a gran
Chrisschistad: you made us pull over for waffles fuckrosa
Isakyaki: mood fuckrosa
Evamohn2: they were nice tho chrisschistad
Jonas9000: I was forced to take about 86 photos of her because you wanted waffles fuckrosa
Minxymina: you loved it jonas9000

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