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It was the night of the penetrators party and Mina was ecstatic. She needed a carefree night to have fun and not worry about the consequences but at the same time she was focused on making sure Eva had the best time possible.
Mina wondered if Eva felt awkward about going back to the home which ruined her relationship, and wondered if it would be weird to be in the same place as Chris and Jonas but she doubted Eva cared at the moment.
Eva was currently dancing with Vilde after one too many pre drinks and Mina laughed at the Lightweights before her. Mina could handle her liquor a lot better than her friends, especially Rosalie who was a sloppy drunk.

The last time Mina attended a party was with Rosa back home in england to celebrate the birthday of their friend Toby. Toby was Rosalie's boyfriend at the time but it didn't last long. Rosa had gone in for a kiss and spewed all over the blonde boy which quickly ended the romance. Apparently not many can forgive someone being sick on your chin.

Mina chuckled at the memory which attracted the attention of Noora, "what're you giggling at?" She smirked, peeking over Minas shoulder to look at her phone, "Oo you should post that you look hot. Nothing to laugh about."

Mina rolled her eyes, locking her phone, "I wasn't laughing at that. I was laughing at Rosalie." They both looked over to the direction of the couch, where rosa was currently sprawled taking pictures of herself, "Last year, we were at her ex boyfriends party and little miss I can't handle my drink, was sick all over his mouth and shirt. He pushed her off but she thought it was the funniest thing ever. I mean until she watched the videos of it the next morning and then he broke up with her."

Noora clasped her hand over mouth before bursting into laughter, "Please say you have the videos." Mina smirked and gave a wink in response, "You have to show me oh my goodness."

" __________

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Party town here I come x
(Photo creds to my homie Eazy_Eskild XxX)


ReggisMeggis: fiyah🔥🔥

ChrisSchistad: well dam

FuckRosa: saucy buggar!!

MinxyMina: I adore my fans ReggisMeggis ChrisSchistad FuckRosa

IsakYaki: need a tan 🍼🍼

MinxyMina: 😤😤😤😤 IsakYaki

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