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They were wandering around the town, they had met up with the boys soon after Chris and William left. It was semi-awkward between Mina and Jonas after her drunken confession of her feelings. As she walked the sun warming up her back, she kept sneaking sly glances at him, being careful not to get caught by her friends.

Even though the majority of the afternoon was awkward she had been given a chance to get closer with Magnus who was not as weird as she had expected him to be, not to say he was normal because he was certainly far from it.

Currently, they had stopped for food but the smell of greasy pizza made minas stomach flip. She couldn't bare to think of food let alone stuff her face. Instead she opted to chill outside with her new found best friend.

It was peaceful, as she rested her head on magnus's shoulder watching as people walk by, however the peace was short live as Magnus began to speak, "what's the deal with you and Jonas?" He asked bluntly.

Mina laughed lightly, "way to be subtle kid," she paused to think of her next words but struggled to find more than a few words to describe the situation, "complicated things. I don't know what I'm supposed to do about it."

Magnus sighed, "you totally like him." He moved so he could look at her face, which was a beetroot shade of pink, he laughed, "I knew it."

Mins scoffed and shoved his shoulder, "you dare say a word of this to anyone. Especially Eva, and I will castrate you."  She made a action of scissors with her hand, "snip snip"

Magnus erupted into laughter at her actions, which Mina joined in. They must've say for a solid few minutes just laughing with each other. It was at this point everyone had finished grabbing a sandwich and once again the group of them had collected on the pavement.

Jonas smiled at her as she looked up at him from her seat on the ground with a cheesy grin on her face, during her chat with Magnus she had decided that it would only make things more awkward if they acted like strangers. Jonas pulled out his phone and snapped a photo of her much to her dismay.

She gasped when she heard the photo being took, "you better delete that." Mina shouted scrambling to her feet and lunging towards him, "Jonas Noah Vasquez I swear to god if you don't delete that photo right now I will-"

"You will what? Bite my ankles? Mina you're like five foot four. I'm posting this photo." He laughed turning his back on her so his phone was out of reach.

Mina yelped and tried to grab a hold of his phone however it was no use. He pressed post and watched as he laughed heartily at her face, which was pulled into a frown, "sleep with one eye open eyebrows, I'll get you back."


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Cheesy grin


Minxymina: I hate u

Reggismeggis: r u sure about that ^

Minxymina: bite me bitch Reggismeggis

Jonas9000: kinky minxymina

Fuckrosa: those glasses look very familiar

Minxymina: what's mine is mine and what's urs is also mine xo fuckrosa

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