Running Into Trouble.

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Johnny shut the car door and looked down at Ash who was looking right back at him "What?" he asked raising a eyebrow. "Were are we gonna go first?" Ash questioned the gorilla, Johnny had to think for a moment "Well I thought maybe we could browse around for a bit then decide on where we'll go" Johnny suggested, Ash nodded in agreement and held Johnny's hand, Johnny looked at Ash who smiled at him, giving Johnny the confidence to hold her hand. The pair walked around the mall, looking at the front of stores, going into stores and looking around. A few hours had passed and Johnny and Ash were making they're way to starbucks, Johnny opened the door for Ash who walked in first, followed by himself.

Ash walked over to a table but then stopped, Johnny looked at her confusedly before following her gaze. Standing right in front of them was Lance and Becky. Ash stood there, rooted in the ground, Becky smirked and put on a puppy face, Lance just looked at Ash, his face grinning. "Oh wow! If it isn't Ash! How strange to run into you in starbucks." Becky spoke in a sweet tone. "Yeah...what a coincidence..." Ash mumbled. "So what are you doing here? Me and my loving boyfriend are here on a date, man Lance is just the best boyfriend ever!" Becky smirked hugging Lance's arm, Ash bit her lip and held back tears. Johnny could see that Becky's plan to make Ash jealous was working, he walked up behind her and stood behind her "She's here with me." Johnny spoke harshly, Becky and Lance looked at Johnny "And what are you ment to be? her bodyguard or something-" "I'm not her 'bodyguard' I'm her boyfriend." Johnny stood up straight as his spoke, his voice growing deeper and deeper each time. Becky looked Johnny up and down before rolling her eyes "Yeah sure, like we care. Right Lance?" Becky looked at Lance who had a huge frown on his face "Yeah whatever, let's go babe." Lance spat as he grabbed Becky's hand before walking out of starbucks.

Johnny let out a sigh and looked down at Ash who looked down at the ground "Hey Ash...? You alright?" Johnny asked in a concerned voice, slowly Ash nodded. Johnny wasn't convinced by the look he had on his face. "Casper! Come back here!" Rosita screamed as she ran after a little piglet that ran over to Ash and Johnny. Casper looked up at Johnny and smiled "Your the gorilla from the singing show mommy was in aren't you?" Casper giggled, Rosita ran over to Ash and Johnny and picked Casper up and let out an angry sigh "Casper what have I said about running off?" Rosita questioned angrily looking at the little piglet "To not run off in case I get separated from you and daddy." Casper grumbled, Rosita nodded and put Casper down. "So nice to see the both of you here!" Rosita spoke sweetly, Johnny nodded, returning the smile. Ash stood beside Johnny silent with her head hanging long. Rosita raised an eyebrow and looked at Johnny "Everything okay with you two?" Rosita sounded concerned, once again Johnny nodded and picked Ash up "Everything's alright Rosita, thank you for asking." Johnny smiled and said goodbye to Rosita before walking over to a table with Ash in his arms. He put her down on the chair, she looked up at Johnny and smiled "Thank you...Johnny." she trailed off "Ash don't worry about that jerk Lance and Becky, who cares about them, the main thing is that your happy." Johnny lent down and lifted her chin up so she was looking him in the eyes, Ash nodded and gave Johnny a big hug "Thanks Johnny, I don't know what I'd do without you." Ash spoke as she tightened the grip, Johnny nodded and hugged her back "I'm never leaving you so you have nothing to worry about."

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