Basket Case

362 19 8

{Idk this might be triggering. And 'Rayleigh' is pronounced 'Raylee'  }

December 13, 2013. 3:01 am.

 Song for this chapter : Basket Case (Green Day) - "Do you have the time to listen to me whine about nothing and everything all at once " 

They were both in her car now, the tension was thick enough that it could now be cut with a knife. Harry's head was rested against the window, and his hand was on his jaw. He couldn't believe it. He let some girl come and ruin his plans. Even though she wasn't just some girl. And he knew that. He just didn't know why. And that scared him. She was the only one who actually cared, and he was grateful for that. Even though he treated her so badly. Brushing her off in the hallway, ignoring her in the laundromat, even cussing her for accidentally taking up his mail. She still came and saved him. Although he wanted nothing more than to throw himself over that bridge.

Madelynn on the other hand was still shaking. She couldn't shake the image of Harry, with one foot outstretched, ready to jump off that bridge. It would be lodged in the back of her mind forever. Everytime she glanced over at Harry, she noticed something different. At first it was just seeing his curly, unruly hair for the first time up close and personal. But then , she went into detail. Seeing the red, faint lines trailing up and down his forearms. All the way up to his biceps. It had gotten worse since Anabelle left him there on his knees begging for her not to get into the other man's car.

Then, it was the small, round spots. Looking much like burns. It wasn't long until she noticed how red his hands were. They were chapped, if that's possible. They looked dry and small pieces of torn skin were peeking out from the side of his nails. His fingers were twitching. Literally, twitching. It looked like he needed to do something with them, but he couldn't find it in himself to do so.  

"Can you drive faster?" he sighed, in an annoyed tone. He felt this burning compulsion sneaking it's way into his mind again and she was driving like a fucking snail.

"I'm already going past the limit, Harry." she looked over at him questioningly. She was already going 95 and he wanted her to go faster? 

"You need to go faster...faster. You need to go faster, Madelynn. " he whimpered. He kept mumbling 'faster, faster, faster' 

"Are you okay, Harry?" she glanced over at him. His hands were now full on shaking. "Are you cold?" she asked. He shook his head quickly. "Then what's wrong?" 

"Just drive faster. Can you..can you drive faster? Madelynn drive faster." 

"I'm going as fast as I can , Harry. Calm down, tell me what's wrong." she begged. He was worrying her beyond belief. She didn't know what was wrong with him. He didn't respond. He just kept fidgeting in his seat.

  He looked over at her and noticed that she was biting her nails. A habit Anabelle had.


"It's just a movie ,love." he whispered,  kissing the top of her head as she curled into his chest. They were currently watching The woman in black and Anabelle was scared out of her mind. She whimpered when a small, shadowy figure appeared behind Daniel Radcliffe. She hid her face in his chest and fisted the material of his white t- shirt between her fingers.

He noticed how afraid she was and changed the channel.  The annoying,  shrill voice of Spongebob echoed throughout his flat as he tried to console her.

"It's alright.  It's just a movie, it's all made up." he chuckled.  She pouted at him, and he leaned down and pecked her puckered lips. "I love you." he mumbled.

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