From Eden

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From Eden - Hozier : "Idealism sits in
prison, chivalry fell on it's sword. Innocence died screaming, as me honey I should know. I slithered here from Eden, just to sit at your door."

I changed the face of Madelynn soRRY (pic of new girl on side/top)


"Honestly, I think you're overreacting." Rayleigh said as she sat down across from her and placed a cup of hot chocolate in front of Madelynn.

"I am not, Ray. I seriously think this is something that he should tell me." she scoffed.

"Mads,come on. He isn't your boyfriend. You aren't entitled to anything right now. I think you should just chill." Rayleigh said and got up to change the sign from "open" to "closed" on the door. "I mean, how can you even assume he's hiding it from you. You guys started hanging out like three days ago."

"He's obviously hiding, Rayleigh I'm not stupid. I mean, he's not telling me because it's something I might get upset about. Otherwise why wouldn't he tell me."

"Madelynn I'm gonna be plain honest right now. You sound so fucking dumb. I'm not even sorry. He does not have to tell you anything. What about that can't you understand? Do you realize that you guys are nothing? Literally nothing. Have you even established a friendship yet? Come on, I know you aren't stupid so please act like it. " Madelynn just looks down at her cup. "Okay, maybe that was harsh. But I am your best friend and you are mine, so I'm not gonna let you fuck up and I'm gonna tell you when you're wrong. So just let this go."

"You're right, God I hate it when you're right. Fuck you, but thanks." Madelynn said and stood up. "Now go lock up so we can go home."


Working the morning shift wasn't exactly Madelynn's cup of tea. Mostly because she wasn't a morning person and the mall was lonely at such hours. Opening up the store was also a challenge for her because she contains the strength of a grasshopper and lifting the shutters is not easy. But of course, she had to put up with it because she needed the money and it gave good pay for a minimun wage job. However, it's not like she necessarily needs the money. With her grandparents paying for her apartment and a monthly income of 600 dollars from her parents for groceries and other neccesities you could say she was pretty well off. But she kept the job because she knew that at any given moment something could happen to her parents and grandparents.

As usual, she fought to keep her eyes open and sipped on stale coffee from the awful brewery downstairs in the food court until Ash and Lucas came in for their shifts at 2pm. It was abnormally busy today , probably because they had a 75% off sale on all band merchandise. She made small talk with all the customers and did her best to smile even though her head was pounding and her eyelids were heavy.

After long hours of sitting and waiting and opening and closing the cash register, Ash and Lucas finally came in for their shifts. Ash is quite hardworking, even for such a laid back job however Lucas just sits and watches the clock, waiting for his lunch hour to come.

"I'm going to go get lunch, do you want something?" Lucas asked.

"What are you gonna get ? I swear to God if you eat one more Subway sandwhich I am going to combust into flames. " she warned.

"Wha- why can't I eat subway?" he whined childishly.

"Because it makes you smell like mayonaise and onions. " she explained.

"Why didn't anyone tell me this? What the fuc- that is probably why every girl I have hit on has turned me down all week. I mean, I never get turned down. " he bragged.

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