Settle Down

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helloooo. Okay extremely late update i know and Im soooooo sorry about it But I started this story close to my examination period and i just didnt have the time. Then summer started and I swore I would have had time but my mother got me a summer job that's 9-5. By the time i get home all i want to do is eat food and cry over george daniel. Im really soory about the long wait and I'll try to improve my update schedule.I promise I'll work on it. Thank you for cooperating with me though.

Song for this chapter : Settle Down (Young Ruffian Remix) - the 1975 -" We get back to your house. Your words, my mouth. Now I just stop myself around you."

Dear mom,

I tried again last night. I know I shouldn't have, but I can't help it. I have nothing to live for anymore , so what's the point? Anyways. I was gonna jump off that bridge, but a girl came. That annoying one I always write about. Yeah, Madelynn. She's so beautiful. Quite annoying and weird, but she's beautiful. She reminds me of Anabelle. Like, alot. She bites her nails and she runs her hand through her hair when she's confused or frustrated and she talks alot and she's awkward , just like Belle. Anyways, she came and begged me to not to jump. She cared, mum. She carried me home and everything. Then she caught me locking the door again and again, She must think I'm a freak. We're supposed to hang out today but I don't think she's gonna show up. She said six and it's now three past six. She thinks I'm a creep and now she's not going to come back. I just kn-

A knock sounds at the door. He shuts the book closed and throws it in the drawer, locking it with the key before rushing to the door . He lets out a shaky breath before pulling it open. There she stands, clad in a band tee shirt and ripped skinny jeans.

"Uh, hi." she says and awkwardly sucks a breath in through her teeth. "You ready?"

"For what?" his eyebrows crease.

"Shit, I forgot to tell you. Um, we're going to the fair," she smiles, but it soon fades when she notices his face drop. "Only if you want to , we don't have to. I mean, we can do something else like catch a movie or-"

"No!", he cuts her off. "It's just that I've never been to a fair before. "

"Are you serious?". she gapes at him. "Oh my God. We have to go. Get dressed, come on ," she waves at his joggers and white v-neck.

"Okay , okay." he walks into his room, and she follows him on instinct. When he opens his door and realizes that she's right behind him, he turns to face her.

"Right, um, I'll just go over...there." she points to the living room. He blushes and stalks into the room and goes to brush his teeth. Once he's done, he walks back into his room and picks out an outfit. Black jeans with a blue flannel rolled up at the cuffs. After ruffling his hair multiple times, he grabs his brown boots and walks back into the living room, where Madelynn is sitting on the couch picking at the frayed rips of her jeans.

"Uh, ready to go." he stands awkwardly in front of her. It is very easy to tell that they still aren't comfortable around each other, but knowing Madelynn she won't give up on him.

"Yeah, let's go." She stands and pats her thighs instinctively. He opens the front door for her and they both head to her car.


The ride was completely silent apart from the soft orchestra coming from the radio. Madelynn was more than embarrassed when she turned the car on and heard it, but she didn't have the courage to reach up and change it, mostly because she didn't know what kind of music he listens to.

"Can you change the station? It's making me uncomfortable." he asked shyly.He didn't want her to get angry. So, he started to panic. "Or if you want to..if you want to listen to this then that's fine. Sorry for asking. Oh god, he thought, she probably hates me . "I'm sorry for asking, sorry. I'm sorry." he nodded as if he was reassuring himself of something. She reached over the console and put her hand gently over his. He flinched and nearly pulled away but she gave his hand a slight squeeze, and he relaxed in his seat. Though, something was telling him to pull away and wash his hands.

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