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"Over dramatic, automatically assume I'll stay the same." - Pressure- The 1975


"So how did you even end up there?" Madelynn asked as she handed him a tall glass of water. He took it gladly and blushed when his hand brushed hers.

"There where?" he chuckled before gulping down the water. She took the cup from him and placed it on the night table beside his bed and turned back to him. He smiled up at her and patted the space beside him. She walked to the other side of the bed , took off her vans and sat down.

"The bar, how did you get there?" she said and raised an eyebrow at him.

"Oh , there." he laughed drunkenly. " So I was just walking around and I saw some pretty lights. So I walked towards it. And then I realized it was a bar so I said 'hey why not get smashed so I can forget everything'. I didn't realize it was a gay bar until I got to the dance floor." he explained.

"Well, at least now you can say you've tried with guys." Madelynn laughed.

"I doubt I would tell anyone that." he laughed and closed his eyes.

"So what do you wanna do now?" she asked and looked around his room.

"We could listen to music? If you want.." he suggested and pulled his iPod and earphones from the top drawer of the night stand. She nodded and smiled. After he put in his password, he handed it to her.

"I doubt you'd like anything on it, but you can try and find something." he whispered. They both placed an ear bud in and she pressed shuffle. A song labelled "Fallingforyou" by The 1975 immediately pops up and a soft, haunting melodic tune fills her ears. It was hard to make out the lyrics but she did her best.

What time you comin' out?

We started losing light

I'll never make it right if you don't want me round

I'm so excited for the night, all we need is my bike and your enormous house

You said someday we might,

When I'm closer to your height, till then we'll knock around and see

If you're all I need.

Don't you see me now?

I think I'm falling,I'm falling for you

And don't you need me I

I think I'm falling, I'm falling for you.

On this night, and in this light

I think I'm falling, I'm falling for you

And maybe you change your mind.

The rest of the lyrics drown out when she realizes Harry staring intensely at her. He leans closer to her and she can't help but lean in too. His hand reaches up and brushes her hair behind her ear.

"You're so beautiful." he whispers and allows his hand to travel further down her jaw and his thumb runs over her top lip. "You've always been so beautiful." he murmurs and her heart jumps rapidly in her chest. Is he really saying this? After being so madly in love with him for almost two years is he really calling her beautiful now?

"Why are you telling me this now?" she whispers.

"Because I've never been so close to you to recognize all of your features. " he says softly.

"Thank you, Harry." She responds. She feels awkward under his scrutinizing gaze gaze but can never find it in herself to look away. His eyes drop to her lips and he runs his hand further down her jaw and neck.

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