Chapter Twelve

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As soon as I walked in, Harry spotted me. I sent him a small wave and then pointed at the counter to let him know I was just going to get something first. He nodded and I approached the counter. I got a cup of tea and made my way over to his table. When I got there, he glanced up at me and smiled.

"Thanks for the invite Lou." he said gratefully.

"Well it's not like you gave me much of a choice, with that threat before you left and all." I said sarcastically. The smile on his face instantly dropped.

"Louis," he began. "I didn't mean to threaten you. That wasn't my intention."

I already didn't like the way this conversation was going, so I quickly shook my head. "No. I'm sorry. Just slept like shit last night so I'm a little grumpy." I explained.

"I know the feeling." He said, so low I almost didn't hear it.

I decided not to engage in that conversation. I drank my tea as I thought about where to take this. I decided the best way to start this is to find out where he stands in this.

"What exactly do you want Harry?" I asked, trying to keep a neutral tone.

"I want to have a relationship with my daughter." He responded easily. "I want to know her. I want her to know me. I want to be in her life, as her father." I could see the determination in his face.

I took a sip of my tea and winced as the heat burned my tongue. "Harry," I said softly, as if it would scare him away. "You do know that you can't just appear in her life as her father right? I mean she is only four. She understands things, but that would be too much of a shock for her." I explained.

He nodded in understanding. "I know that Louis. Please know I'm not looking to mess anything up for her. I just want to know her." He pleaded.

I sat there thinking what the best way to go about this was. After a few minutes, I made a decision.

"Why don't you come over tomorrow?" I suggested. "We can take Kayden to the park."

His eyes widened and the smile on his face could put the northern lights to shame. "Oh my god! Yes! Definitely yes!" He exclaimed. "Thank you so much Louis!" He was bouncing in his seat with excitement.

I smiled but had to explain. "Wait Harry." His smile faltered a little bit and the bouncing stopped. "We can't tell her who you are. We have to introduce you as one of my friends." I explained. "She will know you from hearing about you from Lottie, but she won't know you as her other father."

He seemed to hesitate for a second but then smiled again. "Of course. I completely understand." He said. "We will take this at whatever pace you feel is best for her. I just want to spend time with her. To get to know her."

I nodded. I could understand why he wanted to be in her life. She is his daughter too, and she is absolutely wonderful. Maybe this will be good for her. I just hope she doesn't get hurt. I will physically hurt Harry if he hurts her.

"How long are you in town for?" I questioned.

"Well I have a two month break now before I head off to the America part of my tour for three months." He answered. "But as far as being here, I didn't plan a time frame exactly. I may head back to my house tomorrow night, but that's not very far away."

Hearing about his tour in two months made my heart drop a little bit. I made a mental note not to let her get too attached before he has to leave to go on tour.

"Okay. Well I have work tomorrow until 2:30 and then I pick up Kayden from school at 3. Why don't you meet me at my house around 3:30. Does that work for you?" I asked him.

Kayden (Larry Stylinson)Where stories live. Discover now