Chapter Eighteen

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"Harry!" I breathed. "Oh fuck, Harry!"

I couldn't move. Between the way he had me pinned up against the wall, and the things he was making me feel, I was completely and utterly helpless.

"God Lou." He said breathless. "So fucking tight. Feels so good."

He continued to hold me against the wall. My legs were wrapped around his waist; his cock was pounding into me repeatedly. He pushed his lips against mine and kissed me hungrily. I could tell that my lips were already bruising.

"I'm close." I panted into his mouth.

He pulled me off of the wall, lips never leaving mine, and walked us over to the bed. He laid down on his back with me on top of him.

"Ride me Lou." He said after breaking the kiss. "Ride me to oblivion like you told me you would."

I started to move my hips in figure eights, then I began to experimentally bounce up and down. I couldn't help but notice how much deeper it was this way. I have never ridden anyone before so I wasn't exactly sure what I was doing, but judging by the moans coming from Harry's mouth, I was doing it right.

The closer I got, the more tired I became. The pressure was becoming too much. I reached down to touch myself but Harry smacked my hand away.

"No. I want you to come untouched, just from my cock." He demanded.

"Can't." I said exhaustedly. "So tired. So close and so tired."

Harry put his hands on my waist and started to lift me up and slam me back down, thrusting upwards while he pushed me down on his hard cock. As he started to become sloppy, I could tell he was getting close.

"Cum for me Louis." He breathed and who was I to deny him?

With a shout of his name I came hard and untouched, painting his chest and stomach in white.

"Oh fuck! Baby!" he screamed as he came deep inside of me. As he pulled out and went to get up, an alarm started to go off.

"What the hell did you set an alarm for?" I asked him.

He turned to look at me. "I didn't." He said simply.

I woke up to my alarm blazing. I quickly turned it off and then realized my boxers were sticky. I laid back down and smacked my forehead with my hand. "Great. Fucking great." I said to myself. I got up and got in the shower to rinse myself of my wet dream.

By the time I made it to my first meeting, I was fifteen minutes late. No one seemed to notice though, which was a good thing because I can imagine I looked pretty flustered as I repeatedly recounted last night's dream in my head. I didn't mean to have a wet dream about Harry. Really, I didn't. Could you blame me though? I mean, look at the man. Anyone with eyes has imagined him naked. I've actually seen him naked. It was inevitable.

When my last meeting was over, I quickly made my way out to my car and started the drive home. I decided to text Harry to see how things were going.

To Harry: hey. on my way home now. should be there around 4ish. how did this morning go?

It took a few minutes for his answer, but I figured that he was probably doing something while Kayden was at school. When he replied, I just about jumped to read it.

From Harry: perfectly... she woke up and went to school with no problems... are you sure she's yours?

I chuckled and remembered the night I told Harry about how much I used to skip school. I was so jealous that he didn't have to go to college to have his dream job.

Kayden (Larry Stylinson)Where stories live. Discover now