Chapter Thirty Four

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I stood in front of the mirror, checking out my outfit for the 20th time. Today was Harry's interview. It is the first television interview he has done since he came out. We're in Los Angeles for the Ellen Show. He is releasing his two singles today. The first time anyone will hear them, is today at this show. After that, they will be released on iTunes.

Harry seemed to stress how important this interview is, even going as far as saying that Kayden and I coming with him was a requirement, not a recommendation. I was afraid he was going to call me up on stage, so I wanted to make sure I looked as good as I possibly could. After another half hour, I deemed myself ready.

I walked backstage in the studio until I found Harry's dressing room. As I entered, I saw him looking really nervous. Gemma was trying to calm him down and Lou was doing Kayden's hair.

"You alright babe?" I asked him.

He looked at me, and even though he was pale, he nodded. "Just nervous is all."

"Well, I'm sure everyone will love the songs, even though you wouldn't even let me hear them yet."

I had begged him since they were officially finished four days ago to let me hear them. He told me I had to wait until the show. After two straight hours of begging, and even trying to bribe him with sex and blowjobs, I gave up asking.

"Thanks babe." He said, kissing me passionately. "I just hope you like it." He mumbled.

I gave him a questioning look but he shook his head. A few minutes later, a crew member came by and told Harry he was on in 10 minutes. Kayden and I said our goodbyes and we went to take our seats in the front row. A few fans said hi to us, which we nicely replied to, however fans still made me nervous since the whole Aubree incident.

"Well today we have a special surprise for you all. Harry Styles is here and he is going to be preforming two never before heard singles. So let's bring him out. Mr. Harry Styles!" Ellen announced.

Harry came walking out on stage. The whole crowd erupted into loud cheer. Even Kayden was excitedly clapping and yelling for her Papa. After he hugged Ellen hello and sat down, he looked at Kayden and blew her a kiss. The crowd awed which brought a laugh out of Ellen.

"So Harry" Ellen began. "A lot has happened since I saw you last."

"Indeed it has." He replied.

"Yeah. You chose someone else to have your coming out interview with, and left me for dead." She joked.

"Hey! You know it was nothing personal." Harry told her. "James would have killed me if I hadn't chosen him."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. I get it." She said sarcastically. "I'll remember that." Harry chuckled and she continued. "So let's go over it all. You found out you had a daughter, you got a boyfriend, you pressed charges against a crazy person, is that all? Am I missing anything?"

"No I think you've just about covered it." He said.

"Well let's talk about your daughter. She really is your twin." She spoke as a picture of Kayden popped up on the very large screen.

"THAT'S ME! THAT'S ME!" Kayden exclaimed.

Harry's and Ellen's faces both snapped over to Kayden.

"Oh! She's here! Wow she looks even more like you in person!" Ellen exclaimed. "Would you like to bring her up with you?"

Harry looked at me questioningly and I nodded. He then put his arms out for Kayden and I told her to go ahead. She ran up onto the stage and jumped into his lap.

Kayden (Larry Stylinson)Where stories live. Discover now