Chapter Forty Nine

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One month. Harry has been gone one month and it is absolutely driving me insane. I swear Gemma is seconds away from calling the psychiatric ward on me. I barely eat. I can't sleep. I feel like everything around me has stopped moving. I can barely even look at my own children. It finally all came down to an end two days ago, when Gemma finally called Harry.

"I'm going where?!" I asked in disbelief.

"Los Angeles." Gemma answered.

"And why exactly am I going there?"

She sighed. "Because that is where Harry is. I called him last night."

I couldn't believe her. I was doing a great job at making sure he wasn't worrying about me. He had a tour to finish. The last thing he needed was to be distracted, worrying about me.

"Why the hell would you do that Gem?! Now he is going to worry!" I yelled.

"Good!" She shouted. "He should be worried! Christ Lou, I'm worried! You are barely even alive right now!"

"I'm fine." I whispered.

"Right." She scoffed. "You're fine when you don't eat. You're fine when you cry at night and pretend no one can hear you. You're fine when you haven't held Jax in over a week. You're. Just. Fine."

I could feel the tears building and this time I didn't hold them back for the sake of appearances. I broke down in Gemma's arms that night. Which now explains why I am on a plane on the way to California.

"Excuse me." A young girl said beside me. "Are you Louis Tomlinson?"

"Yes?" I answered confused. "I'm sorry, do I know you?"

She shook her head. "No, but I'm a fan of Harry's and I recognized you from the pictures."

I smiled. "Well, you have great taste in music."

"I just wanted to tell you that Harry is lucky to have you, and you shouldn't listen to some of the negative fans." She said sweetly. "We're not all rude. We see you make him happy and we appreciate that."

I immediately wanted to give this girl a hug, but I resisted in order to not seem creepy.

"Thank you. That means a lot." I told her. Then an idea struck me. "Do you have twitter?" I asked and she nodded. "Give me your handle. I'll give it to Harry for you."

"Really?!" She asked excitedly. I smiled as an answer. "Thank you so much!"

She quickly wrote down her twitter handle and gave it to me. She thanked me again and went back to her seat. I'd be lying if I said that she didn't make my day a little bit brighter.

Harry was at sound check when my flight landed, so I had to take the ride from LAX to the Staples Center alone. However, as soon as I reached the venue and walked inside, I already felt at home. The only explanation for this is that Harry is my home.

"Oh, hi Louis!" Lou greeted me. I waved back.

Just then Harry came quickly out of one of the dressing rooms. We made eye contact and I could feel my heart stop beating. I dropped my bag where I was standing and ran full speed into his arms, jumping when I reached him. He caught me with ease and before I knew it his lips were on mine.

"I. Have. Missed. You. So. Much." He said between kisses.

I pulled away and smiled. "I missed you more."

He carried me into the dressing room, kicking the door shut behind us, and sat down on the couch.

"Are you okay? Gemma sounded really worried when I talked to her." He sounded so caring.

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