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*Sexual content below*


I put my shoes on & walk towards the door & before I could open it , some else did.

It was her fuckin mom ...

|Jordan POV|

"Who the hell are you ?" Her mom said in a confused angry voice.

I'm just sitting here shocked that I just fucked her daughter brains out & now her mother is looking at me with half my clothes on walking down the stairs.

"Uh I'm your daughters friend" I say fake smiling trying to get past the fact that I'm in her house without her knowing .

" Why is your shirt half way off ?" She says pointing at me.

"Oh! I just had this itch I couldn't scratch through the shirt ma'am"

"Your lying you little shit" she says running towards me , I ran into the kitchen before she grabbed me.

"MOM WHAT ARE YOU DOING??" Shordy said coming down the stairs. After all this fuckin time I still don't know the bitch name.

"YOUR FUCKIN DYKES NOW HUH ?" She said with anger in her voice.

While they we're talking about that gay shit I ran out of the kitchen to front door & ran straight to my car , I sped the whole way home! I couldn't wait to get there.

As I got out the car & walked up on the porch , I didn't even notice jaz sitting there , it wasn't dark but the sun was going down so I could barely see her , I noticed her shadow.

"OH SHIT .. wtf are you doing?"

"What it look like ? I'm sitting on the porch enjoying the sunset & how come everytime we see each other your fuckin naked ?" She said staring at me , I hadn't notice my pants were unbuttoned & my shirt still wasn't fully on.

"Oh ! My bad forreal" I said buttoning up my pants & putting my shirt on , the whole time I'm doing that I'm watching jaz out the corner of my eye . She just loves staring at my body I swear .

"do you like what you see jaz?" I said playing with her. She chuckled & continued to watch the sun go down , I high key got angry because she laughed at what I said.

"What's so funny?"

"You" she said leaning back on the chair.

"What's so funny about what I said??"

"If I wanted you I could've had you Jordan always remember that" she said getting up walking towards me.

My heart began to speed up cause I didn't know what she was about to do . Wtf I ain't never been scared of no girl ? Why am I acting like this now! she grabbed me by the neck & whispered in my ear.

"Don't ever tempt me .. I'll fuck you all around this house. I see how you look at me too baby , I know you want me"

She let go of my neck & bit her lip while still staring into my lust filled eyes.

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