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|Jasmin POV|

Ever since the other day Kodie won't stop texting me like this has been really stressing me out on a whole other level! 


Text Message From (209)-***_****

She needs to get over that little threesome we had I don't even know why I did it,  Jordan been on my ass lately since that day to but I honestly don't think she knows what happened she's probably just mad we haven't had sex in a while,  it wouldn...

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She needs to get over that little threesome we had I don't even know why I did it, Jordan been on my ass lately since that day to but I honestly don't think she knows what happened she's probably just mad we haven't had sex in a while, it wouldn't matter anyway it's not her business to be in we're just having sex until we really go our separate ways maybe later we should go over the rules of this whole sex thing I don't want it to get any deeper than it already is.


It's finally the end of school I've been wanting to go home & chill all day,  I put my books in my locker & start walking to the car waiting on Jordan.  As I'm walking to the car I hear someone call me name I didn't see anyone so I kept walking to the car,  after a while I kept hearing the voice & I finally seen the person screaming my name & guess who it was!!!  it was fuckin KODIE!  I tried to ignore her & run to the car but she caught me before I could even move my feet.

"Caught ya"  Kodie said trying to catch her breath.

Damn she was running for me ?? Wtf did I do the other day that this girl/boy won't leave me alone.

"What kodie?"

"Chill baby I just wanna talk real fast"

"Well talk cause I got things to do" I said rolling my eyes.

"Why haven't you been texting me back" Kodie said tapping her phone.

"Cause your fuckin psychotic & I've been busy kodie I don't have time to play with your little dick all day" I said trying to walk away.

She blocked my way & pushed me up against the car.

"Busy doin whaat? & littttllleeeee ???" Kodie said with a confused look.

"Doing something your not move! & did you not hear me call you psychotic?"

She had to move out my way before Jordan comes & see this shit going on I refuse getting involved in her weak ass love triangle she has with everybody in the school I didn't even know she was fuckin RONNIE!

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