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| Mia POV |

I heard a knock at the door & I already knew who it was.

"i i i.. is M.A here?" The fein said itching

"hold on"

I slammed the door in his face & went up stairs to get M.A,  if you didn't know that's my big sister she's one of the biggest trappers in the city but she's really the one that's been keeping our family a float by bringing the bread to the table since the passing of our dad. She learned from him & just kept doing it since it brung us so much money in, feins come here every second of the day knocking looking for that good fix.. we had the hood on lock & when you at the top niggas envy a lot. We had to move 4 times cause our crib kept getting shot up but I think this house is gonna work we're in a white neighborhood niggas be scared pulling up to where the white people be at so they have no choice but to act right, I walked up to her door & knocked I knew she was in there fuckin some hoe.

"oh yes daddy!!!" The hoe screamed on the other side of the door.

"Yeah you like that bitch!"

Man I know she hear me knocking at this damn door, I knocked again but this time harder than the last time just to let know I ain't waiting for her to finish this time.

"Whaaat!?" M.A said sounding frustrated.

"Customer at the door bruh"

"Tell em go to the back door I'll be right out in a minute"

I walked back down the stairs opening the door telling the fein to go to the back,  I sat back on the couch watching Icarly waiting on Jordan sexy ass to text me back we've been texting all night so I might as well chill & wait on the reply,  Eventually my sister came down the stairs kicking the hoe out she was fuckin.

"Alright bitch don't text me remember ima text you"  My sister said to the hoe.

The hoe just nodded & walked out the house locking the front door behind her & my sister made her way to the back to go serve.

"come on M.A can I just get a little more"

"Nigga do you want me to shoot yo junkie ass get tf away from my door"

"Just a few more rocks on top pleaseeee I just need a little more man"  The fein said begging.

My sister took out her glock & cocked it back than pointed it at the fein head,  I just sat there & watched Spencer make spaghetti tacos shit like this happens everyday so it can't phase me. 

"I can put some rocks in yo top rn nigga just say you want some more again"  She said pressing the gun against the fein temple.

"ok ok ok! Please don't shoot me I'm sorry for bothering you" The fein said running off into the backyard.

I looked up at her & laughed knowing that irritated her soul my sister hates when people  try to one over on her. She doesn't like her or her money to be played with that's the things she hates the most,  she definitely doesn't like if someone tries to fuck with me but I'm grown i told her don't worry I can handle a lot on my own.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2020 ⏰

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