《Camping Storie's》

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Today my class is going on a camping trip.Usually My Teacher Brings A Rifle.All the Girls Gossip About it all the time.We usually Dont Care.He Uses It For Hunting.At Least He Says.So Its The first Night And Im Already Feeling Queezy.I Go to Sleep Tired To Death From Setting Up The tent.Just As I Was Falling Asleep.I Heard Ruffling Or Maybe a Few Steps Outside.Maybe Someone Needed To Take a Restroom Break.Then I Notice Squirved Type Or Moving Movements Outside my Tent.I Unzip My Tent.I Look Outside To See Someone In A Blck Hoodie Outside The CampSite.I Woke Up My TentMate.He Shot Up.He Said "What Gives?"Very Loud.I Covr His Mouth and Tell Him.He Squeeked.I Can tell He Was Scred And So was I.I Texted My Teacher And Classmates.My Teacher Mustve Been Sleeping.I Fell Asleep.I Wake Up To a Rip On the Side of my Tent.Someones Head Sticks In.Ahhh! My Friend Yells.My Teacher Jumped Out His tent.The Guy Ran.My Teacher Shot His rifle In The Air.Thatll Scare Him Off.My Teacher Said.We Looked Around And We Figured.The Guy Or Girl Has Took Two  Suitcases And Some Of Our Food.My Teacher Got Mad.We Packed Up And Left The Campsite.Ever Since I Hated Camps.And The Girls Had That To Gossip About Theyre Whole Life.

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