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"On, you Green and Gold, to glory! Go You Packers Go!!" Yelled the cheerleaders as we practiced our routine. "Are we ready to beat them 49ers Sunday?!" I asked all the girls. "HELL YEAH" they all yelled back excitedly. "Okay ladies be ready to give a great first halftime show of the season!" I said as the cheerleaders walked out.

I walked out to the half empty parking lot of the Clarke Hickle field. (The practice field of the Packers). I was waiting on my best friend Ryane to come and pick me up. I was sitting on a bench playing Candy Crush on my phone when I heard someone walk up.

"What is a pretty girl like you sitting out here alone?" said the man.
I looked up to see a tall, man with a very big body, and long blonde hair.
"Oh, I'm waiting on my friend to pick me up" I said in a shy voice.

"Well don't you have a car" he asked as he sat down next to me. "Yeah" I said looking down at my phone trying to avoid his eyes. "Well then, where is it?" Asked the man. "In the shop" I said getting aggravated. "He is starting to sound like a little kid" I thought.
"Okay" he said, "last question...what kind of car is it.". I sighed and answered the question. "A 67 Chevy Impala"

He sat there for a while with his mouth wide open. Finally, after a minute or so, he spoke. "No way" he said surprised. "Yes way" I said giggling. "Are you serious" he asked, still surprised. "How can a girl like you have a car like that?"

"Well" I started " it took me forever to find, and it cost a lot, but I got it. It's badass." I said proudly. "Wow" said the man, "I'll have to see it sometime"

We sat there in silence for a moment, then my phone buzzed. Ryane had finally texted me back.
"Hey I'm stuck at work, can you get a ride with someone else..."
"Agh" I said.
"Are you sure you're not with your boyfriend Zach?" I responded.

"What's wrong" the man asked. I kind of forgot he was sitting next to me.
"Now I don't have a ride" I said madly.

"Well I could take you home" he said
I looked up at him confused. "Thanks but no thanks, I don't even know you, and I don't let strangers take me home." He shrugged his shoulders and turned away.

"Hi, I'm Clay Matthews, I play for the Green Bay Packers." he said cheerfully.
"I'm not a stranger to you now" he said hitting my arm with his elbow. "Now you have to introduce yourself to me" said Clay.

"Ugh, whatever" I said. "Hi Clay, I'm Victoria, I am a cheerleader for the Green Bay Packers!" I said with the most fake happy tone ever.

"So where do you live" asked Clay getting up from the bench. "We're not strangers to each other anymore, so I think I should be able to take you home now."

"Why do you wanna take me home so bad" I asked. "So after you drop me off at my house you can stalk me?"

"Yes" he said in a creepy tone. "What!?" I screamed. "I was just kidding" he said laughing "Okay" I said slowly.

"C'mon, it's getting late" said Clay standing up and putting out his hand.
"Okay fine" I said kind of nervous.

We made our way through the parking lot to his grey Ford F150. I was expecting like some kind of fast racing car or something, but it was just a truck. Not that I have a problem

We got in and he asked for my address and I told him. It was a pretty awkward drive, even though it wasn't a long distance, it seemed like forever just to get to my house.

We finally got to my house after like 10 minutes or so. I was about to get out of the truck when I heard Clay mumble. "Did you say something" I asked. he started to get red when he repeated his question. "Uhh yeah, I was gonna ask for your number" he said looking so nervous.

I sat there for a while trying to decide if I should give it to him or not. "He is kind of cute and seems like a great guy, maybe I should give him my number" I thought.

"Sure" I said as I wrote my number on a napkin he had in his cup holder. I got out of the truck when I heard the window roll down. "Bye!" said Clay, "I'll be glad to give you a ride home anytime!!"

I waved bye, and as he drove away I saw him dancing. He was waving the napkin in the air too. "Oh my gosh" I thought, "What am I doing?"

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