Another thing I wrote

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This came from the whole group work mess. I'm continuing this in this book btw

I can't believe I let myself get caught in the hands of the enemy... Well, normally but I had a special mission, take out the emperor from the inside out. I had no digimon myself, but somehow, the digital world accepted me. He probably thrown so out of balance that anyone could enter. Ken, I know you're a genius and all but dude, don't throw things out of balance. My current situation however was currently being dragged into the control room by a giant ogre. I could hear the door slam open and I got thrown like a ragdoll to the emperor before the ogre left.
"Well, well, well which of the digidoomed do we have here?" He asked before he turned around to see me. It seemed like he had to take a double take and remove the stupid glasses off of his face before he realized who I was.
"Ariel! WHat are you doing here?! You don't have a digimon!"
"Well you threw here so out of balance anyone can waltz right in and potentially do massive damage and or erase this world." I laughed a bit as I said that. "So, I came up a plan. They'd attack from the outside and I'd take you out from the inside."
"Let's see how'd you take that plan into action with a dark ring around you." Several of the rings appeared and flew towards me. I dodged all but one, which I caught with my left hand.
"Hm... so, this'll go there, that'll go over here. Booyah." I muttered as I messed with the ring, shifting it's data for a purpose to suit my needs. "Well, say hello to my little friend!" I threw the ring with all of my might and it hit the target I needed it to. Ken's neck. It clamped around his neck like it did to those poor digimon, but instead of becoming violent, he's a lot more, willing to go along with what I say. Submissive if you will. His eyes became a blank version of his original eye color and he just stood there, like a good boy should. I walked over to him and took that weird hair dye and hair style by ruffling my hand through his hair, which felt smooth and silky. Wonder what he uses? Nevermind. I took off the cape first, and then the jumpsuit to find he wore his uniform underneath the goofy costume. Looks like he has his priorities straight, well at least better than mine and a certain redheaded goggle boy. I adjusted the collar of his jacket to cover the ring, and hopefully with my theory, he can go back to normal after I take it off of him, but still be willing to put it back on without any memory of the previous time. Well if I don't spill the beans about our playtime.
"Ariel..." He asked blankly and softly "Why is there a collar on my neck?" He said it in a way that's so cute I couldn't help but smile.
"It's a necklace." I replied. He couldn't know the truth... It would ruin our friendship.
"Why is it so tight?"
"I accidentally got a small size. Now let's get you something a bit more comfortable."
"I am comfortable." I picked him up bridal style and brought him to where his private room was. How I know? I scouted this place for a while. I put him down on the dark blue bedspread and removed his jacket and the removed his shirt.
"Ariel, I'm scared..." Ken quietly said, and his eyes looked worried or at least they would be have they not been blanked by the dark ring.
"It's alright sweetie. We're going to play a game." I said delicately as I slid his jacket back on. Once it was on, I stuck on a little contraption of string and a bottle cap.
"What's the game?" He asked. "Will it involve more undressing?"
"No... I don't have a name for this game but all you do is when I pull the string on your back, you just say something cute ok?" I replied as I smiled and showed him the string.
"How will I know?"
"You'll feel a tug on the back of your jacket. I made sure that you could feel it." He gave off a weak smile and I could feel his anxiety go down and he finally relaxed. I got onto the bed and removed my shoes before laying down. Ken noticed what I was doing and got my hints that I wanted to snuggle with him and laid next to me.
"If you want, you can get more comfortable." I told him.
"But I like being here..." He replied. I could finally see the light coming back in his eyes. The ring wasn't wearing off, it's still in full effect but it's in a state where nobody can notice something controlling him unless they catch on to his more submissive behavior, but that was highly unlikely. That's how he was, right? Ever since that one incident it seemed as if I didn't need the ring but he probably wouldn't do what I ask without a fight, and lots of digimon swarming, so it's best if I kept the ring on. As a stroked my hand through his soft, blue violet hair, I noticed that he'd fallen asleep. Guess the game was put on hold I suppose, but he looked so cute when he slept so it's a win for me. Then, I heard the door open, which was just Ken's digimon Wormmon. Thank god it was the cute little worm and not the ogre.
"Should I..." He asked.
"No, there's nothing mature going on, just taming the inner beast in him. Or rather in simplest terms, calming him down so that this never happens again." I replied, trying it not seem like we were doing something R rated.
"Alright then. It's nice to see him back in his original state." Then, he just left. Soon, I felt myself drifting off to sleep with Ken in my arms.

The next morning, I found myself covered in something wet. After a quick sniff I realized it was sweat. I must've had a night sweat again, which I thought I was over.
"Does Ken keep a spare set of clothes?" I asked myself softly, trying not to wake him. Then, I noticed a dresser out of the corner of my eye. I slowly got off the bed and walked over to it. Hopefully we wear the same size in clothes... One drawer was underwear and socks, another was pants so I wasn't expecting much from the third drawer, right? I slowly opened the draw and my mouth nearly dropped open when I got the full picture of the contents of the drawer. The image was so clear you could consider it crystal. I could recognize that outfit from anywhere. He had his own older brother's clothes. Does Ken pretend to be him when he's not in school and or taking over the digital world or is it something he's repressed for a long time? This I had to know.
"Ariel, what are you looking for?" Crud. Ken must've woken up while I was opening drawers.
"An extra pair of clothes. I sweat through mine like I was in a sauna." I replied, hiding the fact I was in a most likely private drawer.
"The one under the one you're in is wear I keep extra sets of your clothes."
"Why do you have my size?!"
"I bought you that outfit a couple months ago remember?" I knew what he was referring to. The outfit of a red Charmander shirt and white shorts I had sweat through.
"Oh... I have another game for us since the one from last night was abruptly ended when we both fell asleep."
"What is it?" He perked up like a puppy that received a new toy.
"Truth or Dare."
"How would we decide who goes first?"
"I'll change first and then we'll flip a coin. Could you not look?"
"Absolutely." He turned around while I quickly changed into the clothes he had for me. Now that's something else I'll ask him.
"I'm finished so you can look now." I said as I got back onto the bed. He was digging through his pocket, looking for something it seemed like.
"What'cha looking for?" I asked.
"A coin. You said you needed one." He replied. If the term "I will protect this cinnamon roll with my life." ever applied in my life, it would be now, with Ken being the cinnamon roll. He sounded like a small child with the ring around him, and it was adorable.
"I thought I had one in my pocket but I forgot the shorts don't have pockets." I replied as he put a coin in my hand. "Heads or Tails?"
"Heads." He replied. I flipped the coin to see what it landed on.
"Looks like you're going first." I said, smiling about the possibilities he could ask me.
"Truth or dare?"
" Truth."
"So, do you like anyone? Be honest." Dang. He put me on the spot there.
"Yeah. I'm not telling you though!" I felt my face glow a bright red from embarrassment as I said this.

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