Fates Oc

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Name: Ariel
Gender: Female
Age: 14 at the start of revelations,almost 15 at the end
Class: Master Ninja

Spoilers!Name: Ariel Gender: FemaleAge: 14 at the start of revelations,almost 15 at the endClass: Master Ninja Appearance

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With brown eyes. The only way you could tell she's part dragon aside from asking,is her ears
Weapons: Killing Edge,Barb Shuriken
Personality: Kind and sweet,but will hurt you if mad.
Bio: The child of Anankos and Mikoto,she was often on the run from Vallite soldiers. While on the run,she ran into a boy a couple years younger than her,and they became fast friends. This boy was Anthony,and he seemed to always find the girl,much to Mikoto's dismay,but she gave in and let the boy be with Ariel.

A few years later,the two kids had an abrupt end to their relationship,as that night,Ariel was taken from Valla to Hoshido in hopes of a better life. What also happened was that Anthony was taken from his destroyed village to serve in the main castle.

While in Hoshido,Ariel often kept to herself until one day,soldiers of Nohr came for Sakura,but Ariel offered herself up instead,protecting her sister from harm. The soldiers obliged to her offers and took her to Nohr instead of Sakura.

In Nohr,Ariel was introduced to her new siblings and grew very attached to them,especially Xander. One morning,she found a young Jakob who was softly crying due to him feeling like he wasn't good enough. Ariel gave him some words of encouragement and helped him succeed.

Soon,a young Silas came into the castle,hoping to make a friend out of Ariel. The girl didn't want to,as she didn't want more heartbreak. The boy managed to crack her shell and became one of her closest friends. After he tried to take her out of the castle,he was nearly executed,but barely escaped due to Ariel. The boy had to leave after that,and Ariel realizes that the people close to her disappear,and cried for days,despite the efforts of Jakob,the maid twins Flora and Felicia and her siblings saying that Silas wasn't a real person. This didn't help much,as it was the same excuse her Hoshidan siblings used for her other friend.

Many years later,when Ariel had to pick between Hoshido and Nohr,she had a gut instinct that this wasn't the best way,so she and Azura defied the armies and chose a 3rd option,unite as 1. Jakob and Kaze were happy for her and joined the small force.

When they arrived at Port Dia,she was ecstatic to see Silas once again,but joked that she didn't remember him,but later confessed that she always remembered him.
After the death of Scarlet,Ariel took down the mage commander single handedly alongside an angered Ryoma. As the party moved forward,a boy was being chased by Vallite forces who saw Ariel's party and immediately jumped into her arms. Ariel started to cry as she knew the boy. Everyone was confused,but the Hoshidan siblings knew what was going on. Ariel and Anthony had finally been reunited. When Ariel told everyone who he was,Silas was a bit angry that she had a friend closer to her than him,but Ariel cleared up that she thought that she would never see him again. After that,the two boys were somewhat on good terms.
As they came across an old bridge,it collapsed on Takumi and Leo while they were on it,leading Xander to almost strangle Ariel's friend,but didn't because of Ariel and the fact that their were enemies on the field. Ariel was lucky that she stopped the fight for a bit. Soon,the group came across the supposed castle and Ariel alongside Anthony went inside to unlock the gate. When they entered,he attacked Ariel,and almost succeeded in killing her,but failed because of Takumi and Leo. Afterwards,Anankos was very disappointed in him,and turned him into a faceless. When Ariel figured out she had to kill her closest friend and childhood friend,she cried as she reluctantly did. As the boy died,he gave Ariel his jacket,and told her how much she meant to him and how much he loved her. He died in her arms afterwards.

Afterwards Ariel couldn't fight for 3 weeks due to her loss. Kaze kept her company for as long as he could in between missions. During this time,the ninja realized how much he cared for Ariel and wanted to pop the question,but decided not to at this time. When Ariel was ready to fight,Kaze accompanied her into battle,destroying Arete,Mikoto and Sumeragi in the process. When Anankos revealed that he was Ariel's father,she couldn't believe it,as she didn't want to be associated with the man who made her kill her best friend. Filled with rage,she destroyed him twice with the Omega Yato,killing him for good.

At her coronation,Kaze finally got up and asked Ariel to marry him,to which she happily agreed. They ruled Valla as King and Queen,with a tiny villager ghost watching over his friend and her new husband.

AnnMarieWhite0 Sorry for the text wall,I wanted to try and explain everything.

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