18 0 0

If I could talk to my 16 year old self,

Would I be crazy?

She is still inside of me, right?


When there is a general difference,

But it all feels the same

But is there truly a difference

In the difference of a name?

Everything is a mess,

The thoughts

The impulses

The voices



It's all entirely complicated as a whole.

But what does one do to get through it all?

You just smile.

Smile until you just cant.

Just stop copying yourself.

In other words,

My dear Lauren,

Have no idea how bad it will get.


We learn to grow,

And grow to learn

But what the point when all we do is get through life?

Just get through tough times

Laugh a bit and spit rhymes.

Just get over the fact that you




To the point you want to die

This is just younger Lauren depression

Just wait until you get the happy circles at 18

They say it stops them in your head

They say it stops your mental roller coaster

And mellows you out so you cannot feel

Happiness nor depression

You feel nothing,

And trust be its better than either of those choices

The bottom line is

I'm here to point me in the right direction that goes up

Not the long way down.

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