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Who Am I?
Once a carefree child
who knew how to be alive.
It aches from not understanding
the feeling inside.
Craving for that sense of emotion.
That feeling of warmth from happiness that left
from my body many years ago.
The joys of the summer sun
feel like the chilled fingers
of winter's snow.
I don't know who I am anymore.
The feeling inside,
the confusing depths,
black as the unknown.
The dark fog that engulfs my mind.
The leech that feeds off my heart,
festering in my soul.
Love is a sense of a
giddy rush,
leaving as quick as it comes,
slamming like a door in my face.
When the love is gone,
all will to life has gone with it.
The urge has expired.
Minutes into hours.
Hours into days.
I sit with this heavy grief
of a returned emptiness inside.
Hope taunting me,
faith laughing.
What is there left?
Where colors fade,
beauty shrivels,
emotions have withered.
I Am Lost.

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