Chapter 10

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Once Lauren returned home, she texted Ally. She glared at her near-useless right hand but managed to send a message asking her to bring her homework and Camila's to her house.

She did smile when she saw 'KK' on her iPhone screen.

"Hi Lauren!" Ally called as Lauren opened the door.

"Hey Ally," Lauren muttered. "C'mon in."

"Kay-kay." Ally walked in and set the small pile of paper on the living room coffee table. She turned and asked, "Lauren? What happened with you and Shawn? They took Shawn to the school nurse then he ran off. The principle was looking for you and even Mr.Carter was quiet in class."

"I don't want to talk about it right now."

"Everyone is talking about it and there're so many stories..."

"NO!" Lauren said fiercely. She immediately felt bad when Ally shrank back from her.

"Ally! Please..." Lauren held up her hand, her voice noticeably strained and tired.

"Lau-Lauren! Your hand? It's so swollen!" Ally exclaimed.

"Ally, it'll be okay. Don't worry about it." Lauren sighed and turned away from her old friend. Way too much perkiness as far as she was concerned. If Ally only knew... Lauren thought.

"Why not?" Lauren said aloud. "You'll hear about it soon enough. Ally, I have to tell you something. But you gotta keep it to yourself. I'm serious. Don't mention that nothing's wrong or text that nothing happened or anything... I really, really mean it, Ally"

"Okay, Lauren. I won't tell anyone anything. I swear!"

"Good. Ally, this is bad but... It's gonna be hard to hear but Camila's not just home sick."

After Lauren explained the gang rape and Camila's pregnancy, Ally went through a range of emotions in seconds. Horror, fear, sadness, more horror then anger leading to rage. The petite girl was so enraged by what happened to her friend, that Lauren was actually scared for a minute.

"Shawn? Shawn Mendes?! Was that what the fight was about? I knew you were mad but I never imagined... Oh god, I want to get one of my brother's baseball bats and pound his nuts to soup!"

"No, Allysin, I've provided the cops with what they need to bust these guys." Lauren then smiled wickedly, "And I'm not sure his nuts are good enough for soup anymore..."

In a deeper voice than normal, Ally said, "If you need any help, I'll help you get these guys. And Lauren, if they get off, it's the last thing..."

"Whoa, Ally! They won't get off." This was a side of Ally Lauren had never seen because she was always a big ray of sunshine. Then she explained getting Austin's phone and what she did before dropping it off with the cops.

All the normally perky girl said was, "Good. That's good."

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