Chapter 11

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The next morning, Lauren went to the Camila house. Sinu answered the door. "Lauren! I'm so glad you're here. Camila has been asking about you since yesterday. She's been sedated but when she comes around, all she asks is if you're here."

"Yeah, I know. She called me last night about 3:30 and we talked for over an hour... Anyway, I'm... How much do you know?"

"All of it. Alejandro knows better than to hold out on me about this." Sinu had a small proud smile even as her eyes were clouded with grief. "I can't believe that boy was stupid enough to use a picture of..." Sinu took a deep, shuddering breath. "A picture of Camila for his screen."

Lauren just gave her a small secretive smile. The cops would have no reason to go into his phone's files without a warrant but, if they had to open it to determine the owner, they'd see his wallpaper. More than enough for probable cause.

"I...uh...addressed another part of the problem yesterday and..." She held up her hand showing the middle two fingers splinted together. She gave her friend's mother a small smile and said, "At least, if I have to give someone the finger on the road, they'll know I really mean it..."

Sinu smiled. "Alejandro told me that Shawn a bad way when they brought him in." She shook her head sadly, "I still can't believe Shawn could do anything like that."

"Me either," Lauren admitted.

"Anyway, Camila in her room. She's probably still sleeping though." Sinu took Lauren's hand, "She doesn't know any of this yet. I'm not sure..."

Lauren squeezed her hand reassuringly.

"I won't say anything. I'll make up something about this," Lauren said, holding up her injured hand.

"But it's okay if I sit with her?" Lauren asked, wanting to make sure Camila was okay.

"Of course, Lauren. We're just so glad she has a friend like you she could turn to."

Lauren closed her eyes for a moment. Friend? I've been anything but that. Still, I do kinda like that, she thought again. She smiled inwardly that she did consider Camila her friend. And she wanted to be the best friend that poor, injured girl ever had. She said, "I'll just go up then."

With closed drapes, Camila's room was mostly dark with a small lamp on the table by her bed. Lauren saw the small mass under the covers. Camila had curled into a fetal position and practically burrowed under the covers. She pulled the chair over from the desk and sat quietly.

Almost an hour later, Camila stirred and Lauren, who had dozed off, jerked awake, almost falling off the chair. In a quiet voice, she asked, "Camila?"

"Lauren? I knew you'd be here." A tanned, slender hand emerged from under the blanket and Lauren took it in her left hand. Camila pulled and Lauren moved onto the bed, sitting next to the Camila bump.



"Would you lay down and hold me?"

"Uh... I... Sure. I...uh...I'd like that," the paler girl admitted.

After Lauren lay down on the soft mattress, Camila slowly uncurled and partly lay on top of Lauren, her head resting on Lauren's shoulder. Camila reached out to take Lauren's hand and found the bandages. "What happened?"

"I had an accident at school. I'll tell you all about it later. Okay? I'm just here for you." She looked at Camila and saw from her eyes that she was still under the effect of the sedatives. "Oh, and I brought your homework."

Camila smiled at Lauren, a small, timid smile. "I'm glad you're here. Even with homework."

"Me too," Lauren replied truthfully.

"Lolo? Can I tell you something?"

"Of course. Anything."

Camila smiled wider and said, "I love you."

Lauren laughed, "You're stoned Camz!"

"Maybe but..."

Lauren interrupted her. "Camz, right now I'm the Florence Nightingale here." God, did I just say that? Lauren thought. Aloud, she continued, "I mean, you feel grateful to me and that can cause transference of..."

"No..." Camila interrupted, her brown eyes were pained as she stared at Lauren.

"Please let me finish, Camz." Camila nodded. "I like you. A lot. I never thought of you as more than a...a pain in my ass for the past year or so. But I realized you are my friend and I want to be a friend to you too. Okay?" Camila nodded again. "Good. Now, love? Let's wait until all this is behind us. You're very vulnerable now and.... I don't want to take advantage of you or hurt you. For now, I just want to help you. I want to be here for you."

Camila smiled and said, "Okay Lo. But, you know what they say about people under the..." Camila's face contorted as she tried to remember the word, "You know, under the... Um, the..."


"Right!" Camila said with a smile. "They tell the truth."

Lauren smiled, "Okay Casanova. But let's talk about that later. Now we just gotta get you back on your feet."

As her eyes slowly closed, Camila managed to say, "'Kay..." Her eyes fully closed and her breathing slowed down but before she fell completely asleep, she had one last request. "Will you be here when I wake up?'

"Sure. I'll be right here."

Lauren held the sleeping girl and smiled.

In her sleep, Camila muttered, " there...for me..."

Kissing the girl's forehead, Lauren whispered, "Always."

Later, Sinu came to check on the girls and found them both asleep, Lauren holding Camila in her arms lovingly. She smiled and quietly pulled the blanket over the pair then left the room.

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