be okey.

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All I can think about it's him.
About my poor boyfriend who lying in front of me.

He seems so he doesn't even know what's going on.
Well,he is know what's going on , and I wish he wasn't .

He's hand connect to something who feed him water. Because he can't do it by his self.great isn't it?
My boyfriend can die any minute and I can do nothing.literally nothing.

James is in the hospital for the past few month , maybe half year.but he fainted a few days ago.And he still sleep.he still doesn't wake up. And I'm worried he never will be.

He lying on a white bed who cover with pillows, he has an hospital blanket over him , hide his scars on his stomach.

No one in the world can understand how hard is it to see the person you love in this situation. I feel like I can brake in tears every second I look at him. I'm not the only one who's here. His sisters here , his parents, his bast friends , and me. The one who doesn't stand up from the chair next to his bed.the one who doesn't sleep in hope he may wake up every moment. The one who don't leave his hand in the past days.

I'm already used to this , to the room , to the doctors, the machines who may keeping him alive .

I want him to be okey.
I have him to be okey.
I need him.

God I need him , James is my rock, is my everything.
And I can't let it now.not forever.

"Ri are you sure you fine?" Emily ask me with a soft look,comfort one, well comfort me it's all she doing here , though she and James are really close friend right now.

"I'm great" I smile wildly.

"Are you sure?" She ask worriedly, and I understand why.i didn't sleep properly , eat properly but I'm fine.

"I'm great. I'm great. Everything hundred percent great"(A/N did I'm mention I love the word great?) I said as I force myself to smile the biggest smile I can.

"One more time and i believes you"Emily said to me and hug my tight.she know so well.

"But how can I be 'great' or even fine?" I start to feel warm in my eyes and I know that I start to cry. "My boyfriend can die any minute and I can't do anything. I'm useless." I seriously sob now.

Bipbipbip. James machine start to biping. Couple of doctors run into the room and contact him to some thing who feed him oxygen, again.

"What happened to him?" I ask between my sobs.but no one listen to me.

"Take him to the operating room now!" One of the doctors yell at the others as they start drag my boyfriend down the corridor. Now I'm stand up and bury my face in Emily shoulder.


4 hours later

My eyes already hot and wet and red.
I need to hear if he alive or not.
"Miss Riley?there is here someone who called Riley here?" I hear the doctor shout and as soon as I heard it , I stand up and rush to there.

"Yes?something happened to James?" I start to ramble from pressure.
"He ask to see you" He awake. God he awake

"He wake up isn't he?" Just to be sure.
He gave me a nod , and I run to his room as fast as I can.
When I get to door I see him with his sisters and parents. And then I see something way more important then that. I see him smiling, I miss this smile so badly.

I sigh for a second and watch him for a few minute.he look so happy.
I miss this happy and goofy man. Since we found out he has a cancer , he never smile again. And I didn't see him awake since he faint a few days ago.

I start to walk slowly towards him. Little bit shaky.
"James?" I said in a quiet voice.

"Riley?you here?" he said looking after me as I move closer to him.
"How are you feel?" I kiss his forehead .

"Don't even worry about it" he grin and connect our lips together.

"What did they say?" I smile to him as I move my hand in his dark hair.

"I'm clean" he says with a glowing eyes.
Oh god , he's clean. It's mean he can get out the hell from here .
There's no words to describe how I feel right now. He's clean , he finally can have a normal life.

I grin to him. I'm happy for him and as selfish it's sound also for myself,I kind of giving up my life for him. He need me as a supporting girlfriend who be by his side , and that's what I was. And it was very hard for me. Watch him in all of his surgery , chemotherapy , and the worst part , seen him crying. It was awful. He refused to eat and my James was gone.

But I still support him , because I love him.
And you don't love only in good times , you doing it also I hard times.

And now , now he can come back to his normal James.

"I.. I so so so so happy" I jump on him and gave him a thigh hug.
After that I kiss him with a Hugh smile on my face.

"I'm going home,tomorrow" he smirk.

"You can be sure I will be there."

"I know you will" he says.give me space next to him on the bed.
And i sit next to him.
And then he whisper to my air. " I know it was hard for you.and I understand if now after everything ends you want to be with someone else." He gave me a weak smile.

" I won't , and you know why? Because I love you.and nothing in the world can make me feel in a different way. But i know you and I know that now your gonna to come back to all your pranks , and the band.. an-and you come back to yourself."

"I love you,  you know that?" He kiss my forehead.

LOVE ME UNTIL DEATH || JILEY OSWhere stories live. Discover now