tour bus feelings

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It's gonna be slightly different it's gonna be a trittany

We all rest on the tour bus,I sitting next to Jordan and Lamar is sit next to Isaac , briar next to myles and Shelby next to Isaiah .

We all sit in the front of the bus except from Trevor and Brittany.they both sit in the last sit of the bus and they both are very close to each other,more then before.

Brittany lean her head on Trevor shoulder as he hear music in his headphones and stroke her hair.
I think she may try to take some rest after this long and exhausting day, but considering the fact that she is next to the window but still chooses to lean her head on Trevor is slight wired to me. I know that are good friends but this time is different, feeling different.

Just before I turned my head I see Trevor close his eyes as he try to get some rest to, and then Brittany pay attention to the fact that he tiered to so she whispers to him something to his left ear, then he look little bit confused as she smiles to him and touch her shoulder as he slowly lean his head on her shoulder and close his eyes.

He look so innocent as she stroke his short hair and it's seems like he's the one who the smaller from two of them,which he is, but he always the one who protect her like a little sister, that's what they tell to everyone when they together in situations like this.
'Were like a brother and sister' they always say, but I stop believe to them in some point, there must be beyond that dissembling.

"Vic are you okey?" Jordan touch the side of my body worriedly

"Sure why?" I ask as I turn my head to her.

"You were staring at Brittany and Trevor" she point to their direction.


As Trevor head is on my shoulder I catch in my edge of the eye victoria staring at us and then turns her head right before I think to tell Trevor.

I raising his head to mine as he blink in trying to see me, probably still see me blurry.
Our faces are so close to each other that our noses almost touch in the other,he is the first one to take step back as he take his head back.

I use to do this with him only in front of a camera but it feels like home also when it's doesn't.

I watch him fixing his hair as he star at me and I at him, I miss this tho. it all start during filming season four ,  I barely had scenes with him,and when we had , we mostly end up crying , only at the end of filming we had a happy jiley scene.
and then season five when we both aren't playing the main characters but we still was on the show, we mostly film with others.

And then, then was the tour I had to give up because my family issues, and he go, travel happily and doing stuff while I stay at home development solutions for my problems. And when he was so far I understand how much I miss him then.

How to make this feels to go away? I mean I'm here with him,and still miss him, what's the point?

"It's just...victoria look at us and I don't want her to think we are something we aren't" I tell him quickly and go to victoria direction.

I walk there slowly leaving him confused behind me.
When I get to them I make a small noise so they know I'm there , and they are turning they faces to me.

"Hey Jord, and I switch with you sits for a couple minutes?" I smile to her .

"Sure" she stand up and go to Trevor, I watch him smile to her and tell he something, probably a joke because they both crack from laughing while I crack from jealousy.

"You watch us didn't you?" I ask Vic while I'm taking Jordan place.

"You seem like a real couple,"she giggles weakly.

"I watch you and I knew there something going on between you two," she keep telling me.

"Just from the look on you're face I can tell I was right." She smirk

"You like him?"

"I may have a little crash on him..." I tell her asham,I have a crash on my best friend.

"Since when?" She asked curiously.

"When the rumors about trev and Jordan came up, I was feeling so jealous, I know I know Im a horrible person, if it was true I should be happy for them dont I?" I start telling her.

"And then I found out It was a rumor I was so relieve,but then the all unfolowing thing was a nightmare" I take deep breath.

"although its was a glitch, the fans were right, I did was jealous, and then it hit me,  I like him more them a friend"

"Did you tell him?you seem pretty close" she raise her eyebrows .

"Of course not, what if he don't like Me in this way? It ruined our friendship!" I whisper-yell to her.

I do really afraid to lose him, he's my best friend, it's just I can't take the risk.

"He do like you! How can you be so blind Britt?"


Me and Jordan talk about the change in the dance we do, until Brittany came and disturb us in the middle of our conversation.
She ask from her to talk to me in private, Jordan agree and tell me that we gonna talk about this later.

But I am slight confused about what Brittany want to talk to me about,i mean like ten minutes ago she walk away after she act wired,so i guess i gonna hear an explanation.

"Can i ask you something?" She ask me as i see worried on her face.

"Of course you can,Britt its me!" I grin and i probably look so goofy right now.

"Do you like me?more then a friend?"
Hope it was normal,i know its crapy but lets go with it,
Hope you 😊❤

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