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"Please babe...." my boyfriend keep begging to me like he did in last fifteen minutes, i know I'll break in some point but I'm not giving up to him, not yet...

"Babe I've already told you, I have to much work to do" lie, I've done it like two days ago but it's always nice to make him beg little bit.

"But you know I need your help with my sisters" he keep beg and I grin on him, lying on my bed staring at the door in front of me. "Anddddd my cousins" now his really crazy.

"You must be kidding me, I don't gonna babysit your family,not after last time" I can't even count how badly I wanted to slap them since then, I wish this conversation wasn't on the phone because I want to slap him now.

"It wasn't that bad" he chuckles "mhmm" I reapply

"Okay maybe they shouldn't throw food on you" he said totally embarrassed by that situation.

"You think?" I yell half laughing.

"This time I'll be with you," he stopped, taking deep breath "I desperately need your help"

"Beg for it" I tell him and I can hear his heavy sigh.

"Please Ri"

"Again" I giggle.

"Please my queen riles" oh he finally got it out.

"One more time" I laugh quietly knows it's torture him..

"you must be kidd-" he cut off by my cough.

"My everything in life, queen riles, my baby please come help me, I need you"

"Okay, give me ten minutes I'll at yours" I giggled again and get up from my bed , walk forward my closet as I hang the call and trying to choose some nice close that I can mess around with them but still look pretty.

I wait to my girlfriend to come help me with my little cousins and sisters, who is a total hell for me as all they doing is run in the house and practically ruin to entire house, I hate when I've been forced to watch them but I know I had to if I want to move in with Riley in a few weeks from now so I gave in and help my parents with them.
Don't get me wrong, I love my family but sometimes they just get me out of my mind.

"Girls go watch Tv and I made you some popcorn okay?" I asked them as they all were around.

"Okay cousin James" they all said sweetly to me put a innocent smiles on their faces, while they all climb upstairs there is a loud knock on the door and I smirk to myself as I know who is it. I walk to the door only to open the door to my incredible beautiful girlfriend.

"Hey thanks for coming Riles" I greet her giving her a quick hug and peak on the lips,

"I wouldn't miss spend time with you" she telling me in a duh ton.

"But you told me you have work to do for the business school" I'm more then confused now and she's smirking.

"I may have and may not messed with you a little bit" she smirk and I can see she's happy about it which I found very annoying.

"So you let me beg to you for nothing?" I said annoyed

"Well-" she started but cut by my sister

"James we bored" she yelled, gosh I hate them right now.
Riley pull my hand up stairs and drag me to their room.

"Cousin Riley!" They shout excited to see me girlfriend again even after what happened last time they met.

"We want to do a play" my six years old sister said.

"Play of what?" I asked

"Frozen" she said with a shining eyes like we talked about... I don't know... the most beautiful thing in the world

"You'll be Olaf and Riley be anna" she giggled

"But I want to be anna!" my cousin whine.

"Then you'll be anna, Riley would help me with the show okay girls?" I say and they all nodded.

I started to mess with them a little and inviting things that I pretty sure never was on this movie but they still listened to me and done exactly what I told them to, we all laugh when my sister ronnie fell on the ground or when in started to sing and make them all bully laugh.

"So you need to stay next to the door and sing." I smile and add "do you want to build a snow man, I doesn't have to be a snow man, okay bye" I grin at the end as I see Riley smile at me, "I didn't knew you know that movie so well" she giggled

"That what happened when you have a little sisters, I saw that movie like billions times. But it's good movie though"

I don't remember when I had so much fun like today.
In the last month I drawn at the school and i didn't get to have fun with James for a long time, I miss his goofy self and not the james who want me to succeed so badly that he always quite next to me for not interrupting to me while I learning it's not that I don't enjoy from the quiet but I miss this times when he was just randomly kiss me and start to tickle me...

So watch him now play with his little family members make me smile a lot, I miss him like it, miss like hell.
"And that's how it done" he smile as he hold hands with the little girls.

"How did I get so lucky to have a boyfriend talented like you hah?" I walk to him grinning.
He kiss me and take the girls to sleep.

When they're asleep I'm in his room watching tv waiting for him to come, he enter to watch me half asleep and he kiss my forehead and whisper "i miss you"

"I can't wait to be with you like it every night,in our own apartment" I smile at him and he's smiles to.

"Me to babe, can't believe that three weeks from now that'll be our live." He smirk kissing me softly.

"I missed to have you so close to me" I say break the kiss,

"Didio enjoyed today?" He asked me.

"More then anything" I smile and add. "I also can't wait for you to play with our kids like it" I smile and it fad When I understand what I was saying.

"Don't panic please"I say when his eyes widen,I probably freak him out.

"I'm not" he smile. "I'm over joyed because you say our kids, I can't wait either to have mini us running around us"

So so sorry this so crap sorryyyy

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