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Stiles turned around to see Allison walking towards him. She grabbed his arm, making him walk the same way as her to class. 

"You're free to mingle right?" Allison smiled. 

"I...um..." Stiles couldn't tell her about Derek. They weren't exactly a thing...but Stiles still liked him. 

"Great!" she smiled. "I met this guy, he's perfect for you." 

"Allison, I don't want to be set up." 

"Just go out with him, he's really interested in you Stiles. He could be the one, you never know." She smiled cheekily. 

"I..I don't know." 

Allison wouldn't drop it, so eventually Stiles had to agree. Allison then finally left him alone to go to class, much to his relief. 

Later that day, Allison had grabbed Stiles straight after school and insisted he went home with her, so thats what happened. They spent 2 whole hours getting Stiles dressed up all nicely, and he still thought he looked ridiculous, but she insisted he looked great.

Around 7pm, Stiles heard a knock on Allisons front door. She hurried off to answer it, dragging Stiles with her. She opened the door to a guy a little taller than Stiles, his black hair and brown eyes being the first thing Stiles noticed. 

"Stiles this is Jake, Jake this is Stiles." She introduced the two, making them shake hands. 

"Nice to meet you Stiles," Jake shook his hand. 

"You too." Stiles smiled politely. Nope definitely not the one for him. 

They left Allison's house together, Jake insisting he drove. So Stiles agreed, and they began heading towards a small bar.

After they ordered a light meal, Stiles sat quietly for once, eating in almost silence. He finished his food quickly, not really wanting it. 

"Allison said you'd been wanting to meet someone for a while then?" Jake spoke up, sipping his drink. 

"Yeah, just you know, too busy with school and things." Stiles shrugged. 

"Not even a hook up or anything?" 

"I've not um...no not even time for that." Stiles coughed awkwardly. 

"Good thing you met me then huh?" Jake smiled, sipping his drink once again. 

Stiles nodded along, faking a smile as he did. He tried to type a text message to Derek, but Jake kept looking over at his phone, making him feel conscious.

"I'm not really you know, looking for that - I thought this was just a date." Stiles looked around awkwardly. 

"I don't date, Stiles. Allison showed me who you were and you looked like a good time. So what do you say?" 

Stiles took a deep breath, sending a blank text message to Derek. 


Derek received a blank text message from Stiles, confusing him. Without even hesitating, he jumped straight into his car and began trying to track Stiles using his scent. 

After finally picking his scent up, Derek had managed to follow it to a small bar in the middle of Beacon Hills. He swung his car into the first space, and jumped out quickly heading inside. 

He spotted Stiles straight away, he looked like he was trying to wriggle out of someones grasp. 

"Jake let go!" He pulled his arm away. "Stop it, you're hurting me." Derek heard him say. 

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