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Derek could hear Stiles' weakened heart beat, he could feel how scared he was. His hands were trembling as he spoke. 

"Time's running out Derek" Deucalion spoke, his voice laced with annoyance. 

"I'm not killing him" blood spluttered from Derek's mouth as he spoke, causing Stiles to wince at the sight. Derek's body was unable to heal, the blood was getting blacker by the minute.  

"You've done it before - whats so different about Stiles?" Kali spat, looking across at Stiles in disgust. 

"He's - I -ahhh" Kali twisted the pole, making Derek roar out in pain, unable to finish his sentence. Not that he could form much of a sentence. Every breath felt like his last.  

Stiles couldn't watch, he felt hopeless. "It's ok, Der. Do it." Derek would die if this carried on. He couldn't bare the thought of Derek dying. He'd rather himself. 

"No Stiles." 

"Derek, it's ok" Stiles whimpered, and he meant it. 

Kali forced the pole further, making Derek's eyes flash red, his fangs appearing. She dragged him closer to Stiles, almost face to face. 

Derek tried to struggle against her with the little strength he had. She was pushing him further and further towards Stiles, forcing him to bare his teeth at the boy. 

"I'm not killing him" Derek spoke through his teeth, barely audible. Each word he spoke became weaker. 

"Derek I'm not scared, it's ok" Stiles tried to reassure, although Derek could hear his heartbeat rising. 

"Do it Derek. Join - the - pack" Kali pushed him further, his claws almost touching Stiles. "Do it Derek" she screamed in his face, pushing his clawed hand, ready to strike Stiles' chest. 

He was trying to fight her, trying to will away the claws, to push her away. He could see the fear upon Stiles' face, but he knew he was helpless. He didn't have the strength to fight back.

"It's ok, Derek its ok" Stiles repeated as he watched Kali jab the pole in further, making Derek lurch forwards, unable to control his shift. 

Spluttering the blackening blood from his lips, Derek tried to speak. "Stiles I -" 

"Derek, what? Derek?" Stiles spoke quickly, his body shaking in fear as he saw Deucalion grab Derek's clawed hand. 

"I love-" the blood spluttered once again "I love you". 

Stiles could see Deucalion forcing Derek's clawed hand, just about to strike it onto Stiles' chest when Derek's body fell limp, onto Stiles' legs.

"What in the?" Kali looked panicked - something was happening. 

"Kali?" Stiles could hear Deucalion shout as the room erupted in flashes of light, followed by a surge of smoke. 

The ropes attaching his feet to the chair legs were too tight, as he tried to squirm out of them. He could feel Derek's body still limp against him, the blood now seeping onto his own shirt. 

"Derek? Derek c'mon" he tried to shake him. 

The commotion seemed to be dying down, although Stiles wasn't exactly sure what was happening out there. He could hear a lot of fighting - gathering that his friends had come to save him. 

As if his thoughts had been answered, he saw Lydia rush through the door, followed by Scott. 

"Lydia? Lydia how did you find us?" Stiles asked in a rushed voice as Scott untied him. 

Stiles felt a weight being taken off of him, only to realise that it was Scott, laying Derek on the floor. 

"I had a bad feeling..." She looked across at Derek. 

The blood continued to pool, his face getting paler as the seconds went by. Scott had managed to pull the pole out, to give Derek's body a fighting chance at healing. 

Stiles looked between Scott and Lydia. "Scott get him out of here - I'll be fine." 


"I said I'll be fine." 

Hesitantly, Scott nodded, lifting Derek up over his shoulder. He carefully made his way up the flight of stairs, Stiles and Lydia following him closely. 

When they got to the top of the stair case, the fight was still in full swing. 

"Scott? We need to go - quick" Stiles urged, Scott agreeing. 

Stiles was about to grab Derek, to help Scott get him out of there faster when he felt a blow to his side. Looking across with blurry vision, he could see Scott had taken the same blow, and could hear him screaming out. 

The next thing he saw, when his vision cleared up, was Deucalion and the others leaving. He could see Ethan walk past him, so he spoke up. 

"Where are you going?" His voice sounded strained. 

"It's over." 

"Wha - what?" 

"I told you, either he joins the pack - or they kill him. I'm sorry" Ethan walked away, avoiding Scott's glazed stare. 

"No...no" Stiles pulled himself to his feet, the other shortly following suit. "No...he can't be...where is he?!"

"Stiles..." he heard Lydia's voice faintly. 

He turned around slowly, peering over the balcony where Lydia was standing. 

There he was. Derek. Thirteen floors down, laying on the floor. Stiles' heart dropped as he screamed, his crying became hysterical as Scott grabbed him, pulling him away from the edge. 

"Lydia?" Allison gently pulled Lydia away too, forcing herself not to look down. 

"Stiles! Stiles no!" Scott restrained him, as he tried to run. "Stiles!" 

Without thinking, Stiles began to run down the thirteen flights of stairs, his friends worriedly following him. 

"Derek! Derek wake up!" Scott could see Stiles reach his body, shaking him. "No Derek!" 

Scott watched as his friend broke down, screaming his heart out, laying against Derek's limp chest. 

Scott took a hold of Stiles gently, grabbing him by the arms. 

"No! No we can't leave him! Scott!" Stiles tried to protest, his voice becoming weaker. 

"I'll call his dad" Isaac spoke from the background. 

"No! No he's not dead, he can't be!" Stiles was being pulled away now, his crying blurring his vision. 

"I'm sorry..." was all Scott could whispered to him, as he dragged him away.

"I'm so sorry." 

Tears Don't Fall - SterekWhere stories live. Discover now