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It had been two weeks since Derek had been attacked, and two weeks worth of lying to Stiles. 

Stiles was constantly asking questions, trying to figure out who attacked Derek, while Derek denied any knowledge of who it was. 

The truth was, Derek knew exactly who it was, and it terrified him. He didn't want Stiles putting himself into any sort of danger, so he lied. The more he had to lie, the harder it was getting. He hated it, but he kept reminding himself that it was to protect Stiles. 

The attacker goes by the name of Kali, one of the original Alpha pack members. 

Derek had no idea what she wanted with him. He had no idea if she knew he was becoming a little too close to Stiles. He could only hope that she didn't know a thing about him. 

Speaking of Stiles, Derek had been picking him up from school a lot lately. Stiles would come over, do a little studying and then they'd hang out together. 

Derek liked it. So much so, that he was on his way to pick Stiles up again. 

Stiles was sat outside of school, waiting with Scott and Lydia. They'd been teasing him about Derek all day. 

"He picks you up all the time" Scott taunted him. 

"You're totally his little pet" Lydia smiled, smugly.

Stiles protested, giving an offended face, "I am not!" 

"I bet Derek's picking you up today" Scott turned, seeing Stiles' face drop as they heard a car horn. 

A black car pulled up close to the path, winding the window down. 

"Get in" they heard Derek's voice. 

Stiles turned back around, as he walked towards the car "this doesn't mean anything!" He called to Scott and Lydia as they laughed. 

He jumped in Derek's car, pouting. 

"Whats with the face?" 

"Scott and Lydia are teasing me about you." 

"Me?" Derek let out a small laugh.

"Its not funny!" Stiles sounded serious. "It gets annoying sometimes."

They soon pulled up outside Derek's house, getting out of the car. 

"I'm sure they're only joking." Derek spoke humble. 

Stiles let out a rather sarcastic sigh, following Derek into the house. 

Derek only carried on walking, faster than Stiles. Rolling his eyes, Stiles scattered after Derek into the kitchen, seeing his revision still on the tabletop. 

He groaned, "I don't wanna-" 

"Your education is important Stiles." 

"Stop acting like my dad." Stiles rolled his eyes again. 

"Then stop acting like a child." 

Stiles pulled his face, attempting to walk out of the kitchen only to get pulled back. 

"Derekkk" he whined as he was met face to face with his stack of revision papers. 

"I'll buy pizza." 

Stiles' face broke into a grin as he picked up a pen and opened the first book. 

A short while after starting, Derek strolled in with pizza, meaning Stiles could stop with the revision. 

"Ah ah, not so fast" Derek lifted the pizza out of Stiles' reach. 

"Just one bite." 

"You've been pretending to revise for an hour." 

"What no I haven't" Stiles lied. 

Derek cocked his head slightly, looking up through his lashes. 

"Maths is boring ok!" 

Laughing, Derek slid the box of pizza in front of Stiles, seeing his face light up. 

It was nice seeing Stiles smile, he'd been worrying himself over the whole attack thing lately, Derek noticed. 

He could sense something was wrong, some kind of sadness, and he wanted nothing more than to know why. 

Once Stiles had eaten the pizza, Derek insisted on taking him home earlier than usual. It was winter, and darkness was setting in early. 

The car journey was surprisingly silent, all's Derek could feel was Stiles over thinking. 

"What's wrong?" Derek spoke up, sighing. 


"Stiles, don't think I haven't noticed you've been overthinking and worrying lately, so just spit it out." 

"Fine. Why have you been lying to me?" 

"I haven't." Derek spoke with little emotion as he pulled up outside Stiles' house. 

"Just tell me the truth." 

"Stiles, I'm protecting you." 

"Because I can't protect myself right, because I'm human?" 


"I can protect myself ok." Stiles got out of the car, making Derek get out too, grabbing his arm. 

"I never said you couldn't," he let his firm grip go, holding Stiles gently. "But I can't let any harm come to you because of me, don't you get that? Everyone around me gets hurt."


"You shouldn't have to be lied to Stiles, but I can't tell you the truth, I'm sorry." Derek let Stiles go, only to feel Stiles' grab his arm. 

"No you don't get to walk away from me." 

Derek tried to shrug Stiles off but Stiles only clung on tighter. 

"You can't just lie to me and then walk away. You're different than that, Derek. Thats why I like you."

Derek's mind went blank, he couldn't speak. A silence filled the air for a few seconds as Derek was trying to search for something to say. The vulnerability written across Stiles' face only made Derek care more about Stiles. 

"Derek talk to me-"

Stiles was cut off by Derek cupping his face, and then closing the gap between them. He could feel Derek's lips on his for the first time. Stiles hesitantly wrapped his arms around Derek's neck, clinging onto his t-shirt. It was slow - soft, comforting in ways that he couldn't even imagine. 

Derek's hand rested below Stiles' ear, his thumb caressing Stiles' cheek. At the feeling, Stiles ran his hands down Derek's back, pulling him closer until there was no space left between them. 

Derek was the first to pull back, looking at Stiles with soft eyes. 

"Derek..." Stiles whispered, mostly in disbelief. 

His heart seemed to flutter as he smiled, Derek heard it. 

"Why did you-" 

"Just believe me when I say, I'm protecting you, ok?" Derek smiled gently. 

Stiles nodded, biting his lip, "ok." 

Derek kissed Stiles once more before saying goodnight, leaving him for the night. 

He walked up the drive slowly, still feeling a tingle on his lips. He stopped for a second, seeing Derek had already driven off. He noticed something, it felt like he was being watched. 

He looked over his shoulder, and then across the drive. 

Nothing at all. Just street lights and parked cars. 

He carried on, but soon stopped when he heard a large bang and a scattering noise. 

Turning around quickly, he could see the bush across the street rustling. Mentally telling himself it was probably just a fox, he quickly entered the house, locking the door behind him. 

It must've been a fox...or something, yeah. 

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