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"We have to tell the others...they can help find him." 

"You mean Scott?" Peter sounded more than annoyed. 

"He can help, they all can." 

"If Derek's still alive, we need all the help we can get" Deaton agreed. 

Peter sneered before seemingly lightening up, as much as someone like Peter could lighten up. "We make a plan, tonight. Bring everyone." 

With that, Stiles nodded in agreement. This had to work, Derek had to be alive. 

By nightfall, they had all met at Peters loft. It was an awkward meeting between Peter and Scott, Scott's temper threatening to arise, but Stiles had managed to calm the situation. 

Stiles' father had insisted he come along too, much to Stiles' dismay. He hated putting his dad in any potentially dangerous situation, but for this once, he agreed. 

They had a plan. It was definitely a terrible plan, but it's all they had. They'd decided that Scott and Peter were to attempt to track Derek by scent. It was the only logical thing they could think off. Allison and her father were to follow closely behind, just for back up purposes. 

Lydia had been ordered to stay at the clinic with Deaton and the sheriff, to prepare for when they bring Derek back, as Stiles feared he definitely wasn't in any fit state. 

And Stiles - Stiles was going to follow behind in his jeep. He needed to be there when they found Derek. 

So with everyone set, and the moon lingering over them, it was time to find Derek. 

Having a lock on Derek's scent, both Peter and Scott thought it was best to start in the woods, in the open. 

So with that, they piled into Stiles' jeep, the Argents following behind, and headed into the woods. 

Unable to take the cars any further when they got to the preserve, much to Stiles' dismay, they had to abandon them and take the rest of the way on foot.

Although Peter and Scott had little scent to follow, they still had something. The darkness of the woods nurtured a sense of claustrophobia inside of Stiles, despite the open space. There was no such path, just stretches of woodland, branched at intervals. 

The black tree trunks, against the darkness of the sky seemed to only fill Stiles' mind with the potential horrors about to come.  They walked further and further into the trees. The darkness seemed to be drawing closer to Stiles, suffocating him slowly as he weaved his way through the thick woodland. 

He just prayed with all of his heart that Derek hadn't been out here alone, for all this time. 

"I....I lost it." Scott's voice cracked Stiles out of his nervous state of mind. 

"What? Scott you - what do you mean you lost it?"

"The scent, it's completely gone." 

"Vanished." Peter chipped in. 

"How is that...we need to go back a little, find it again." 

Not wanting to upset the situation even more, they agreed to back track a little, maybe take a different direction. 

After walking for what seemed some time, Stiles could hear the sound of running water. He figured they were probably close to the brook now. 

"Stiles...we're getting nowhere, the scent is gone." Scott placed his hand on his friends shoulder. 

"I can place some emitters around, but my guess is that Derek will be too weak to follow them" Argent spoke. 

Stiles stood still for a few moments, his hand on his forehead in deep thought. 

"Stiles, maybe we should keep looking tomorrow" Scott tried to offer.

"No, no we can't just give up."

Silence settled between the group, the uncertainty was lingering amongst them. 

Stiles sunk down against a tree trunk. Without thinking, he twiddled his necklace in his fingers, until he felt it burn him once again.

Pulling it off in reaction to the sting, Stiles held it in his palm. 

"Wait a second..." Peter studied Stiles. "The necklace, does it have an engraving on it, a marking?"

"It's just plain" Stiles shrugged. 

Peter shook his head annoyed, snatching the necklace from Stiles. He flashed his eyes, studying the pendant closely. 

Stiles watched as Peters face scrunched up, a sigh escaping his lips. 

"You see this marking?" Peter held it out to Scott, who then did the same. 

"What is that?" 

"The Celtic symbol for blessings. Something my sister - Derek's mother, used to engrave into her jewellery, to make sure she'd never forget to count her blessings."

Stiles perked up at this mention, "so that's why the triskelion marking flipped when it was enclosed in white ash

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Stiles perked up at this mention, "so that's why the triskelion marking flipped when it was enclosed in white ash. Blessings...healing." 

Peter nodded, everything was starting to make sense. "This isn't just any triskelion, but one of Talia's making." 

Stiles looked down at the necklace, hesitantly placing it back around his neck. 

"I know where he is" Peter spoke up, making everyone look towards him. "The Hale house. He's at the Hale house." 

"The one you nearly burnt to death in?" Scott asked. 

With great annoyance, Peter replied with a nod. "I'll lead the way." 

When they arrived, Stiles noticed how tense Peter was. He could see why.

Looking around, the walls had long since crumbled, leaving thick wooden beams, charred from the flames. Nothing had escaped the fire. Glass littered the floor, surrounding a grand chandelier that lay blackened and broken by the entrance. 

Within the ashes lay photographs, personal possessions full of memories. Black dust hung in the air, making it harder for Stiles to breathe as they walked through the house. Dust lay over every surface, untouched for years. 

No one spoke a word. It was making Stiles even more anxious. They carefully made their way through the house, Peter leading the way. It wasn't until they came to an opening, where a few broken beams had collapsed that Peter stopped. 

Stiles could feel it, building like a whirlwind in his stomach. He couldn't stop his panic. His heart was beating faster and faster, the dread of what he was about to see was swirling around in his mind. His feet seemed to be set in concrete, his mind worryingly empty as Scott and Peter moved the broken beams. 

Stiles took a deep breath, stepping into the bleakness of the room. 

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