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"Who's Deaton's new friend?" Lydia whispered to Stiles as they gathered for a pack meeting. 

"He's weird." 

"Weirdly attractive..." Lydia finished their conversation. 

By now she was well aware that she had helped bring Peter back from the dead. At first, she refused to believe Scott and Stiles, but she had finally come around and demanded a pack meeting. 

In the far corner stood Allison and Scott, and Isaac wasn't too far behind. Cora was also there, standing next to Derek who seemed to want to stand next to Stiles, but didn't get the chance to. 

"So, is someone gonna explain what the hell I am?" Lydia broke the chatter in the room. 

"We don't know for sure yet." Deaton began explaining. "I've ran a few tests, and you're definitely not a werewolf. You recovered from the bite unaffected, which has never happened before." 

"Maybe I really am just immune." 

"There's no such thing as immune" Derek butted in. 

"Im not sure how many of you believe in ghosts..." Shane spoke up. "Hundreds of years ago, there was a girl, many people believed she was a witch. She could feel people pass through her when they died, so much so, that she saw them through to the other side, almost like seeing ghosts. The pain she felt when a soul passed through her was so excruciating, that she began to scream out at every death." 

"It was then discovered she wasn't a witch, but rather something more bizarre." Deaton concluded for Shane. 

"So what was she?" Lydia gave them a skeptical look. 

"That, we're still trying to figure out." 

"So no one knows what I am?" 

"Not yet." 

Lydia seemed to be getting frustrated, so Stiles decided it was time to step in and take her away from the situation. 

"Why me?" She turned around abruptly, her hair swinging around with her. 

"We'll figure it out, I promise." Stiles assured her. "You should go home, get some rest." 

Professor Shane came through to the reception, walking towards them. 

"Need a ride?" He aimed towards Lydia. 

Lydia smiled and nodded, heading out of the building. 

"No way." Stiles grabbed Shane's arm. 

"Excuse me?" Shane shook his grip.

"Why are you suddenly interested in Lydia?" 

"Does it matter?" 

"What are you really doing here?" Stiles questioned, to which Shane gave him an amused look and laughed. "Why're you laughing...thats creepy..." 

"Don't you know what you're dealing with?" 

Stiles gave Shane a bewildered look at the sudden turn in his attitude. There was something dark and unsettling about him. 

"Lets just say...Your boyfriend, has a reputation." 

Stiles squinted in confusion. Before he could stop him, Shane and Lydia were already heading away in the car. 

He couldn't get what Shane had said out of his mind. The way he said it was somewhat terrifying, accusing. 

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